Nigeria Premier 2 expels two clubs from the league

The Nigeria National League, which is Nigeria’s second divisional league, has announced the removal of two clubs from the 2023-24 season which just kicked off last week.

Gateway Football Club of Abeokuta, Ogun State, and Malumfashi Football Club of Katsina State were the affected clubs and the horrible development came after they failed to comply with the terms and conditions of entry and participation for the 2023/2024 season as directed by the NNL.

NNL Chief Operating Officer, Dr Ayo Abdulrahaman told NNL media that the two clubs have been statutorily withdrawn from the league for their financial inability and other club licensing conditions for the season.

Dr. Absulrahaman asserted that the cruel decision was taken after several attempts to reach the affected clubs had proved abortive.

“We did several circulars, phone calls, and reminders to the clubs, yet they fell short of the NNL rule book requirements even after the league started”

“statutorily we had to invoke relevant portions of the rule book articles (2.1,3.11 and 3.5) to withdraw the teams from participating in the league”

He further disclosed that the affected clubs will relinquish their positions as professional clubs in the league.

Gateway United and Malumfashi FC were also informed that they could resort to making an appeal to the Nigeria Football Federation, which must be submitted on or before 48 hours after they have served these letters of negligence.

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