New ChatGPT Feature Allows PDF Analysis for Members

ChatGPT Feature Allows PDF
OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has introduced a new feature for its users.
Now, ChatGPT Plus members can upload PDF files to get them analyzed.
This is in the testing phase, called beta.
This feature can work with different types of files, not just PDFs.
It is useful for people who don’t want to read long documents. ChatGPT can summarize documents, understand data, and create graphs.
To use this, go to ChatGPT settings and turn on ‘Advanced data analysis’ in the ‘beta features’ section.
Someone named ‘luokai’ tried it out by asking ChatGPT to do creative things with images, like making a capybara look like it is holding a skateboard. However, ChatGPT got a bit creative and added a hat to the skateboard.
OpenAI is also making things easier for users with a feature called multimodal support. It can automatically choose different modes, like ‘Browse with Bing’ and ‘Code Interpreter,’ without users having to do it manually.
These features are still rolling out, so not everyone with ChatGPT Plus can use them yet.

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