Meta Suspends Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei’s Facebook, Instagram Accounts

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has suspended the accounts of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, citing ‘repeated violations’ of its ‘dangerous organizations and individuals policy.’ Khamenei has been known for controversial statements against Israel, referring to it as a ‘cancerous tumor.’ 

In the immediate aftermath of the October 7 assault, Khamenei wrote on X: “God willing, the cancer of the usurper Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region.” The move comes in response to Khamenei’s calls to ‘wipe Israel off the map.’
His Persian-language Instagram page, with over 5.1 million followers, and the English-language version, with over 204,000 followers, have been taken down. ”We have removed these accounts for repeatedly violating our Dangerous Organizations and Individuals policy,” a Meta spokesperson told AFP.
Khamenei’s accounts on X (formerly Twitter) remain active, where he has more than 1 million followers.
The suspension follows lobbying efforts by pro-Israel organizations.
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