The real criminals are insurgents in high places including special interest groups and any Government that creates a culture of violence and gives easy access to AK-47 and MR-15. There is the comfortable feeling out there that the world has changed from the days of brute force, violence and the survival of the fittest in the jungle; to a kinder, gentler and civilized world. We may have predicted our way to utopia too early. It is becoming unclear if we are progressing or regressing back into a world of cave mentality.
Why are the Brains being overwhelmed by the brute force of the Brawn? They would go in search of what kills people. People who slaughter people should not be classed as mental patients to give them soft landing by their sponsors. Call criminals a criminal and stop stigmatizing or insulting mental patients in need of treatment. Those who create the culture of violence must not be allowed to pass blame on most of the mental patients that cannot obtain or afford AR-15 or AK-47 made readily available by organized groups that want to overthrow constituted civil authorities.
If dagger, gun and bomb do not kill people no blood thirsty criminal would use them. Culture of violence is a deliberate and cultivated behavior to instill fear, not a mental problem greater than what we have in other countries. It takes calculated actions by ignoring law and regulations enforcement to make high powered guns the preferred choice by instigated killers. We can’t postpone or excuse repulsive and deadly actions to intimidate others as purely a mental problem that cannot be solved while lives are continually lost.
Violence has always been part of human behavior but we became civilized to a point where our brains took over the most difficult tasks instead of our brown. Skills, experience and intelligence gave the smaller man an advantage over the powerful giant. We also use technology to perform tasks such as fertilizers and tractors in the farms for survival to increase our basic need, food production. Automatic weapons are not needed for self defense or hunting. AK-47 and AR-15 are not basic needs within a civilized community.
The world was so bad, we had to invent Religions for the fear of God and Hell for the evil ones. Religion was supposed to civilize and purge us from our sins. We also institute criminal and civil laws to sort the bad folks from the good ones. The bad ones are locked up and the crazy ones are kept in mental homes until they can be rehabilitated back into society. Along the way, we missed our goal. There are some good people that are locked up while criminals roam the streets and get into Governments and Armed Forces.
Unfortunately, the criminals and mental patients in many high places display their tendencies and disposition. Most hide under pious, religious and government authority to encourage the worst form of violence we had tried to prevent in a civilized society. We are resigned to the adage that the only way to deter violence is overwhelming greater violence. We spend more money on weapons of mass destruction than we spend to prevent civil wars or to rehabilitate criminals and mental patients.
The common factor among perpetrators of violence is that they are a powerful and privileged minority forcing their ways on the majority. They go after other ethnic groups, rivals, opponents and parties in order to climb the ladder to be celebrated. Indeed, many of them are members of the Police and Army that are supposed to enforce the law. They are the same investigators of their fellow members. Most of the mass murderers have motives and political agenda raised and protected at home by the culture of violence. Indeed, many of the mass murderers have taken the opportunity of easy access to weapons to commit crimes and are protected by the culture of violence.
Compared to other Western countries that have successfully reduced the use of guns, those in the United States that are obsessed with guns and violence have turned their children in schools to soft targets. Yet, the argument about the obsession of this minority is that you need more guns to curb gun violence since guns don’t kill, people do. Canada, their neighbor at the northern border, Australia and other European countries where there is no gun proliferation have nothing close to the United States gun victims.
Prayers, sympathy and compassion have a place after innocent lives are lost but those cannot bring them back or prevent the following attack without taking concrete actions. These perpetrators look for soft targets and victims that cannot defend themselves including children in schools to attack. Mental patients are not so deliberative. Nobody can avoid responsibility by claiming they do not know or understand what they are doing because they are mental while others are thrown into jails for far less vicious offenses.
Some countries intentionally encourage the culture of violence to suppress their ethnic or political opponents and blame their victims. We see this in many African countries, some European and American states. In Africa, wherever you have a minority Fulani, they want to dominate the majority in the country. They share a culture of violence that is similar to the National Rifle Association in the United States. They share the Paranoia that if they do not dominate the Government and fellow citizens, the Government will take their weapons away. Most mass murderers are failures attracted and recruited by those who blame their shortcoming on others. They recruit failures and give them a sense of belonging as gang members.
Stigmatization of mental patients in most communities discouraged some of them from seeking treatment. It is not productive to tag them with mass murder knowing they do not have as much access to weapons as those well hidden at home and fraternities encouraging violence. Indeed, it is seen as an effort to give criminals a soft landing after committing horrendous crimes in support of an agenda. This type of reasoning demonizes all mental patients, most of whom are not even violent. Most countries have closed inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals, pushing out violent mental patients, increasing cost to local communities.
Farouk Martins Aresa @oomoaresa