Marriage is not a natural flow of events.
It’s a ‘discipline’ and ‘price’ flow of events.
The price could be indomie today but car tomorrow. It could be money today but attention tomorrow.
Marriage is a flow against natural behaviour. Having a single partner is a learned trait. It is a trait hanging on discipline.
The only reason people act in a disciplined fashion is because of the penalty or consequence associated with indiscipline.
Discipline is either sustained with psychological fear (For instance, using God factor or conscience) or physical/legal enforcement of the laws or strong determination to succeed.
Just like marital culture, Road Driving culture is a learned behaviour. It is not normal for a human to maintain a lane in a a four lane road.
Everyday, people fall victim of traffic offenses just like people fall victim of marital offenses.
Funny enough, we all understand that humans can fall victim of traffic offenses but not marital offenses.
Swimming against the natural tide brings about friction, stress and fatigue irrespective of the reason to swim.
A driver is trained, examined and certified to drive, yet people still crash their cars.
In marriage, nobody is trained, examined and certified rather people get certified and they learn on the job.
If discipline is an easy feat, many people would achieve so much in various life endeavors; fidelity in marriage is not an exemption.
Quite frankly, it seems like there are only two options to this ;
Marry either who you can forgive or who you can divorce because it is never going to be possible for everybody to be lucky enough to marry people who will have 100% marital discipline.
At the end, discipline solves this whole problem. Discipline is the difference between higher and lower animals.