Learning from the NBA: A Model for Electoral Excellence

Learning from the NBA: A Model for Electoral Excellence

In a world where fair and transparent elections are the cornerstone of democracy, the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) stands out as a beacon of hope and a model to emulate. Having had the opportunity to closely observe the NBA’s election process, thanks to my wife’s position as an officer in this prestigious institution, I am convinced that the Nigerian government could learn valuable lessons from the NBA’s approach to elections.

The NBA’s commitment to a transparent and fair election process is evident in their pioneering adoption of online voting. This method not only enhances accessibility but also significantly reduces the likelihood of electoral malpractices. As Aristotle wisely stated, “The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain.” The NBA’s online voting system minimizes the ‘pain’ associated with traditional voting methods—such as long queues, logistical challenges, and potential for manipulation—while ensuring that the process remains secure and credible.

My wife’s experience vividly illustrates the ease and efficiency of this system. She cast her vote from the comfort of our car while we were driving home from church, demonstrating the flexibility and convenience of online voting. This ease of access encourages greater participation and ensures that every vote counts, embodying the legal maxim, “Justice delayed is justice denied.” The NBA’s swift declaration of results underscores the importance of timely justice, ensuring that the will of the electorate is respected without undue delay.

The NBA’s election process is marked by its meticulous screening procedures and the minimal complaints that follow. This is a testament to the system’s integrity and the trust it commands among its members. As the saying goes, “Trust, once lost, is hard to regain.” By maintaining a transparent and reliable election process, the NBA has cultivated a culture of trust and confidence, which is crucial for any democratic institution.

In contrast, the Nigerian federal and state elections have often been marred by allegations of rigging and manipulation. This undermines public trust and the very foundation of democracy. The NBA’s model provides a practical solution to these challenges. By consulting with the NBA and leveraging their expertise in online voting, the Nigerian government can significantly enhance the credibility and efficiency of its elections.

To quote Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” The Nigerian government must take proactive steps to reform its electoral processes, drawing inspiration from successful models like the NBA. By doing so, they can ensure that every Nigerian’s voice is heard and respected, fostering a healthier, more vibrant democracy.

The NBA’s election process offers a valuable blueprint for conducting free, fair, and credible elections. The Nigerian government should seize this opportunity to learn from the NBA’s success and implement similar reforms in federal and state elections. By doing so, they can restore public trust and uphold the true spirit of democracy in Nigeria.

My Candid Suggestion

“Res ipsa loquitur” – The thing speaks for itself. This maxim implies that the quality of a person’s work demonstrates their capability and thus they should be entrusted with the task. My candid opinion is that officers in the temple of justice should be tried to handle INEC to initiate the same experience and electoral professionalism.

Though going through the list of successive INEC chairmen, I noticed they were two legal practitioners: Victor Ovie-Whiskey (1980-1983) and Ephraim Akpata (1998-2000). This observation underscores that when individuals with legal expertise and a profound understanding of justice and fairness are entrusted with the electoral process, the integrity and credibility of elections are significantly enhanced.

In summary, drawing from the NBA’s exemplary election process, it is evident that entrusting those who demonstrate capability and integrity with the task of overseeing elections can lead to more credible and trusted outcomes. The Latin maxim “Res ipsa loquitur” aptly encapsulates this principle. The Nigerian government should, therefore, consider involving legal professionals from reputable institutions like the NBA in managing electoral processes to ensure transparency, fairness, and public confidence in election outcomes.

Abu, can be reached via danjumaabu3750@gmail.com or  08062380296

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