Kaduna State Governor Launches Remodeled Panteka Market

Kaduna State Governor Launches Remodeled Panteka Market
Governor Uba Sani launching the upgrade of the panteka market in Kaduna
Governor of Kaduna State, Senator Uba Sani, has initiated the upgrade and remodeling of the Panteka market with a groundbreaking ceremony, on Monday.
During the event, the governor outlined plans for the new market, which will feature access roads, a clinic, fire service, outdoor toilets, an ICT center, and skill acquisition centers.
These additions are expected to create jobs and investment opportunities. He emphasized his commitment to improving the livelihoods of the people and announced that the new Panteka market would also receive transformers to ensure a stable power supply.
Professor Idris Bugaje, the executive secretary of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), highlighted that the existing Panteka market in Kaduna is home to 38,000 artisans and apprentices undergoing various skills training. He described the market as the largest informal technology hub in Africa.
Bugaje praised Panteka for its association with hard work, resilience, job creation, poverty alleviation, creativity, innovation, and providing hope for unemployed youths.
He noted that Panteka signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kaduna Polytechnic in 2021 to formalize the skills training offered in the market. Some apprentices graduated in November 2023 as part of this initiative.
He also compared Panteka to similar hubs in Kenya and Tanzania, pointing out that those count their members in the single-digit thousands, whereas Panteka is significantly larger.
Bugaje described Panteka as a heritage site with a rich history tied to the development of Kaduna, the former capital of the Northern Region.
He emphasized that Panteka is now a well-respected brand both nationally and in many ECOWAS countries, stating that its transformation is timely and appropriate.
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