Kaduna Cracks Down on Tax Defaulters, Seals Six Telecommunication Masts

Minister Decries Incessant Tax Invasion by Expatriates 
In a bid to boost revenue collection, the Kaduna State Internal Revenue Service (KADIRS) has taken decisive action against tax defaulters. 
Six telecommunication masts, including those owned by MTN and GLOBACOM, were sealed due to unpaid taxes amounting to N5.8 billion.
Additionally, a textile materials outlet faced closure for neglecting a N5.2 million tax bill.
Mrs. Aysha Ahmad, speaking on behalf of KADIRS, stressed the importance of tax compliance, deeming the sealing of properties regrettable but necessary.
With the Kaduna State Government aiming for a revenue target of N120 billion, enforcing tax obligations becomes paramount.
Despite prior notices issued to defaulters, compliance remained lacking, noted Shamsuddeen Lere of the Kaduna State Urban Planning Development Authority (KASUPDA).
Even Al-Babello Trading Company Ltd, operating at the Panteka market, faced scrutiny for undisclosed unpaid signpost advertisements.
While some support the crackdown as vital for economic stability, criticism has arisen. One commentator branded the action as senseless, urging authorities to explore alternative methods to address tax evasion issues.
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