Inside My Self-contain Apartment

I live in self contain apart( Room ,kitchen and rest room)My life isn’t such a beautiful one. Today it is up, tomorrow it comes down, next tomorrow it goes up again, the day after it flattens. Nothing seems to be steady, no clear cut vision, wakes in the morning, not too certain where to go, coming back the day I struggle to move out, not knowing still where next to go the following day.

This of course is my daily lifestyle, believing that one day “e -go better”. Beyond not having a firm grip of my life and the very direction it is headed , my room, kitchen, and rest room, are constantly in a mess.

Walk into my apartment, the very ooze that comes from is usually beyond the very descriptive power of the word nauseating. It stinks!

Having lived with it for years, my nostrils obviously got used to it, so much so it becomes natural, something not to worry about.

My kitchen is a bomb, mucus growing on left over food, dirt and cobwebs competing for space,with cockroaches and wall geckos playing hide and sick. My room isn’t any better, wet towels and clothes loosely hung, shoes scattered, books on an unkempt bed with other personal effects doting the whole space in a very undity manner.

My rest room is dirt itself, odour personified, nobody except me can use the place without having an unwholesome feeling of nauseation.

Nobody visits me, if there is anything urgent, meeting at joint is always an escape point. The only three guys that ever visited me were of course those whose lifestyles are no different from mine. We operate on same level of dirty life style, birds of a feather flocking together is always seamless.

We could eat in a very awful and horribly stinking environment and it means nothing to us. That is the depth of our lost into the world of dirt, scatteredness and some what piggish life.

Just last week,I got a call from my friend, a school mate, whose presence has been an aroma, very decent and impeccably neat and organised. He called that he would be visiting me this Sunday. This of course was not the first time he was making this request, on each of those moments I would always say no, not because I never cared about him or loathe his presence, rather the thought of subjecting my self to the rogors of cleaning, washing and arranging my apartment always makes me to say no.

Now that he called and his calls this period have been a bit constant would I still say no? or bear the shame of him coming to see me in my unclean space and possibly help in the cleanup, fumigating and whizzing the entire space with the aroma of his scent?

Yesterday I sought the counsel of the other 3 of my friends. Vehemently as predicted they said no and ready to scuttle any arrangement that could make his presence felt in me. They wouldn’t obviously allow me to invite him. They would lose me they thought righty too. Those very moments we get down doing unprintable things would have been in the past and the very fragrance of his scent and skills in cleaning and cleansing would make my apartment which for years have been their nesting place of dirty life would be sparkling, freshly airy and decently arranged.

For years I have denied him such a long time fraternal relationship. He would call, I will busy him, he would send messages I wouldn’t even for one reply. He would try to do video call, I would temporary block him.

I have decided to let him inn, I called, sent messages, asking him to come and visit as he promised.

Can’t wait to reunite with my guy of many years, a lot of catch up to make. Today, have been set aside to clean my apartment, burn things, scrub, wash and arrange. I have already bought nice air freshener, to make my space fresh and habitable for my friend the Holy Spirit.

Can’t wait to see you again, can’t wait to hug you after a while, can’t wait to lead you into my heart, ( Kitchen) My soul( Bedroom) and my mind( Rest room) giving you an unhindered access to do what you deem fit.

Come my advocate, my counsellor, the one that grants me wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Come! The living water and flush every dead thing in my life.

So happy, for tomorrow holds the arrival of my friend and the dawn of my new self. My dance in the Holy Ghost is imminent.

Check through your self contain apartment and see what to burn, clean and re-arrange. Never too late, my friend can equally be your guest tomorrow and all through your life.

Jarlath Opara

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