Improving Yourself – Six Ways to Kick Ass in All Areas of Life

We all know the saying that “Nobody is perfect”. But that doesn’t mean that we should stop seeking perfection in ourselves. In as much as perfection in every field of life is not realistic, we should understand that as humans, there is always something about ourselves that we can improve on. I mean, instead of trying to be perfect in every field in life, you can focus on one area and work your ass off to get the work done.

The human potential is limitless and it is impossible to reach a point of no growth. In fact, the more we advance in age, the more we realize that there is so much out there that we don’t know and still have to learn.

Personally, I think that it is through improving ourselves that we get the most out of life. It makes waking up each morning very exciting.

As a writer, one of the ways I tried to improve on my skills was by making sure I wrote something each day. I wouldn’t lie though, it was tough. There were days I would wake up and I wouldn’t feel like writing. But by making “consistency” my watch word, it helped me to write constantly and by doing that, my skills improved tremendously.

You know, whenever, we think we are good, we can even be better. And if you are someone who likes to grow, then you should sit back and read through the following tips on how to improve yourself daily.

  1. Get out of your comfort zone

The first step to take when you are seeking to improve yourself is to get out of your comfort zone. Nobody achieves something worthwhile in their comfort zone. Real growth comes with a lot of hard work and sweat. When we are so comfortable, it doesn’t help us grow, rather it makes us stagnate. So try to shake up your routine. Do something different. It is only when you expose yourself in a new context that you can learn and grow.

  1. Read books

When we cultivate the habit of reading books often, it helps enlighten our knowledge and become better persons. Aside the fact that reading exposes you to more knowledge and ideas, it equally makes you stand out from an ordinary person. Books have way of giving a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

  1. Listen to podcasts

Aside reading, another way you can improve yourself is by listening to podcasts. Learn to fill in the gaps of your life with educational audios. I have formed this habit of listening to a lot of podcasts on YouTube and Instagram, and it has really helped in framing my mind. When you fill your mind with educational talks, it helps you get better as a person. You can get good educational podcasts in places like, TEDTalks, RadioLap, Rationally Speaking, Founders Talk, etc. The best part is that this is something you can do anywhere, anytime. It could be on your way to work, in the kitchen while you are cooking, or in the bathroom while taking your bath.

  1. Always work towards a goal

This is also another way to improve yourself. We all have goals and every day, we should strive to improve ourselves. I know sometimes it can be really tough. There are days when things wouldn’t be on your side and you just feel like throwing in the towel. But you know what? We only grow in tough times. Hold on. You have come a long way to give up. And if people are laughing at your dreams and goals, learn to pay deaf ears to their laughter. Learn to celebrate your small victories. Remember that every achievement no matter how small it is taking you an inch closer to your success. Enjoy the process.

  1. Acknowledge and overcome your fears

There is no doubt that we all have fears. As we strive each day to achieve our goals and dreams, we are faced with fear of uncertainty, fear of failure. These fears most times keep us in the same position and prevent us from growing. In order to improve ourselves, we must recognize that our fears reflect areas where we can grow. For me, I always think of fear as a compass for growth. If I have a fear about something, I mean it is something in have to work on and working on it helps me grow as an individual.

  1. Wake up early everyday

Waking up early always has this way of improving our productivity each day. Personally, I have developed this habit of waking up early, say by 5am. It helps my mind more proactive and that moves me during the day.

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