I Saw Him!

Make That Call!
Jarlath Opara

Not a dream, more of a trance, but was slightly conscious of my environment. I saw him. He looked sad with blood dripping from his head, hands and sides. He beaconed on me, but the dazzling light from his eyes x-rayed me. All I could see was my filthy nature and smelt nothing but the stench of my lousy self, so awful. Like Adam and Eve caught at the very act of their misdeed, I looked for cover.

As I tried to cover myself from the penetrating light coming from his eyes, the more the light hit me with the intensity that hit Saul on the road to Damascus. I would have fallen under such intensity and probably got blinded like Saul. I guess Mercy said no.

I thought before now I was good to go in his presence, but my deed crumbled under his light. I thought I was exemplary before now, but his light exposed my weakness. I thought, I was trying, keeping his laws and ordinances but the purity of his light made a spectacle of the filthiness of my life.

His light made real how our righteousness is like filty rag before him.

Where is your first love? He asked me. Where is your zeal that made me called son? Where is that purity of heart that made you undefied? Where is that passion that made you fast occasionally, making your fellowship with me one with the heavenly fragrance of love, charity and obedience to my command? I couldn’t answer, for my filthiness weighed me down.

What happened to you son? You changed? You are gradually drifting, pursuing shadows, passion that seems right, but mere trojan horse that has nothing but perdition to give.

Why have you allowed the the waves of trending things both on the social media and the church enviroment to sweep you off, dragging you off my presence? Creating alternative that would drag you into nothing but destruction.

You are not the only one hitting off target while thinking that their human good and deeds are without reproach from God. Many are running, but off the mark. Labouring but without instruction, walking though with mandate but lacking in instructions.

Churches are filled to the brim, but just a handfull can stand the intensity of my light. Their deeds and action considered gold and diamond burn into ashes like wood under the censoring light of my righteousness,

The church is full of dramas and theatrics in the name of praise, worship, and ministration. Their human knowledge and intelligence driving and fuelling them, while my spirit remains docile, neglected and despise most times.

They interprete my words to suit their craves and idiosyncrasies, lacking in my direction and inspiration.

I weep! My hand and head drip with blood and the pains of the crucifixion coming back real time each time I see church filled but with few souls standing in my righteousness.

The church is marching not to heaven, but somewhere else where miracles, signs, wonders and posperity gospel have replaced the Gospel.

Look straight to my eyes Son! Look into it and be saved from the entanglement of worldliness. Look into my bloody eyes and be sanctified from the hypnotism of inordinate craving, though appealing to the craves of your human nature but with no life giving grace.

As I looked straight and intently at the rays of light from his eyes and the spark and embers from the crown of thorns on his head, the scorch from the light made me let out a scream that jolted me into consciousness.

For a few minutes, my body was soaked with sweat out of fear and guilt of how my life was adjudged weak and unapproved before the light of God.

I am not alone here. We are legion. What one thinks exemplary may be a reproach before God. The church is sinking and stinking through infiltration. The church may look filled but empty before God’s eyes. Our super religious activities may be a minus in our heavenly credit card. Only he that sees beyond the human mind would be able to approve or otherwise of our works. Until his light is shone on you and your works of faith tested, you probably may be sprinting with energy, zeal and passion but on a wrong lane

Let him assess you daily with the beaming of his light of righteousness. Until this becomes your daily experience, your stand in him remains unknown.

Have mercy on me oh lord and grant me a second chance to reprove my first love for you.


Dr. Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

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