“I Don’t See them as My Parents on the Show, I See them as Normal People” -Isabella Idibia

2 Baba, Wife and Daughter, Isabella Idibia

Isabella Idibia, the eldest daughter of Nigerian music icon 2Baba and his wife Annie Idibia, recently expressed her disappointment with how her parents were shown on the South African reality series “Young, Famous and African.”

In the show’s first and second seasons, Annie was depicted as a nagging wife enduring an abusive marriage, with 2Baba openly stating to other stars that “men are wired to cheat.”

Isabella took to social media to share her thoughts, stating that the portrayal of her parents was “completely wrong” and not an accurate reflection of who they are.

She emphasized her unique perspective, having grown up in their household, and refuted the assumptions made by those who only know about their lives through social media.

Isabella stressed that while she couldn’t change everyone’s opinions online, she knew the truth about her family’s dynamics and history.


She also highlighted that the depiction of her parents on “Young, Famous and African” didn’t show them in the best light and wasn’t entirely truthful.

“Young, Famous and African,” which premiered on Netflix on March 18, 2022, follows the lives of prominent media figures from various African countries, including Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Alongside 2Baba and Annie, the show featured other well-known personalities like Naked DJ, Nadia Nakai, and Diamond Platnumz.

Despite Isabella’s remarks, neither 2Baba nor Annie has publicly addressed how they were portrayed on the show.

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