“Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need” Philippians 4:11-12 (NIV).
What circumstances do we find ourselves in now? Is it a time of plenty and prosperity? Or are you living a leaner life with less? Would you remain humble if you suddenly found more success? Would you remain grateful if you found your fortunes waning?
This passage speaks to the importance of remaining humble no matter the situation you find yourself in. Humbleness is a great virtue that all should aspire to. After all, nobody likes a braggart! Take a look at the example of Jesus and his ways. Let this be the characteristic we work towards improving this week.
There will be times of hunger and times of fulfillment during all of our lives. How we learn and grow during each of these times is crucial. We cannot lose sight of who we are during times of success, and we shouldn’t lose hope and faith during times of hunger.
We can also look toward our mentors for guidance. Who in your life displays a humble attitude? Look to model your own manners after the ways of these people. And of course always take guidance from the Lord! Let us pray to remain humble:
“Lord, help me to remain humble in my ways. Help me to shy away from bragging. If times become difficult, give me the strength to carry on. My fortunes may change for the better or for the worst. Help me to ensure my attitude does not change with it. Thank you Lord!”
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Final Thoughts:
The next line of the passage reads “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Do not lose sight of how powerful the Lord is. Remain humble in your ways as without him we are lost. In times of trouble look to him for guidance. In either case remain constant and humble in your words and actions.
Be Greatly Blessed!