Google Blocked Over 206 Million Scam Ads In 2023 – Report

In its recently released 2023 Ads Safety Report, tech giant Google unveiled its robust efforts in combating online scams, revealing that it thwarted a staggering 206.5 million scam advertisements. 
The report underscores the pervasive nature of scams and frauds in the digital realm, with bad actors continuously refining their strategies to exploit digital advertising for illicit gains.
Google emphasized its proactive stance, swiftly updating policies, deploying rapid-response enforcement teams, and enhancing detection techniques to counter these evolving threats.
Duncan Lennox, Google’s VP and GM of Ads Privacy and Safety, highlighted the ongoing battle against scam ads, citing the emergence of sophisticated tactics like deepfakes to deceive users.
Lennox emphasized Google’s commitment to dedicating substantial resources and collaborating with organizations like the Global Anti-Scam Alliance and Stop Scams UK to safeguard consumers worldwide.
Google attributed its success in ad blocking to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which facilitated the removal of over 5.5 billion ads in 2023, a slight increase from previous years.
The company underscored AI’s pivotal role in enforcement, with more than 90% of publisher page-level actions initiated by machine learning models.
Additionally, Google disclosed its utilization of generative AI to combat evolving abuse trends and global conflicts, while acknowledging the need for agility within the digital advertising landscape to effectively respond to emerging threats.
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