FG to Include Citizenship Studies as Core Subject in Schools -NOA

FG to add Citizenship Studies as a core subject in schools -- NOA
Director General of NOA, Mallam Lanre Issa-Onilu, addressing the stakeholders’ during the Town Meeting in Lokoja, Kogi State
The National Orientation Agency (NOA) has announced that the Federal Government plans to introduce Citizenship Studies as a core subject across all levels of education in Nigeria.
The Director-General of NOA, Mallam Lanre Issa-Onilu, revealed this during a Town Hall Meeting with stakeholders in Lokoja, on Saturday.
He emphasized the importance of engaging stakeholders to discuss government policies and activities, as mandated by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.
The introduction of Citizenship Studies aims to instill the right values and character traits in every Nigerian child.
“It will become a compulsory subject at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of education. “
“The goal is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be responsible citizens and ambassadors of the country.”
“The initiative will kick off this year with the establishment of 37,000 Citizenship Brigades, with 1,000 in each state for primary and secondary schools.”
Additionally, the country is working on codifying its values through the National Values Charter led by the NOA.
Issa-Onilu highlighted the importance of upholding and promoting values, stating that a proper Nigerian should embody traits such as honesty, integrity, and service to the community.
He stressed the need for collaboration among stakeholders to improve the country’s values and character.
The stakeholders, including religious and traditional leaders, civil society organizations, women and youth groups, and media organizations, engaged in discussions during the meeting.
Some urged the NOA to advocate for a reduction in the pump price of petroleum to ease the financial burden on the people.
In addition, there were calls for the reintroduction of Religious Studies as a compulsory subject at all levels of education.
Malam Zakariya Aliyu, representing the Council of Ulama’u, emphasized the importance of religious education in shaping the moral fabric of society.
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