Feb 3 Re-run: 21 Polling Units Results to Determine Fate of Two Federal Constituencies in Anambra

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Wednesday declared its preparedness to conduct free, fair and credible re-run elections scheduled for February 3, 2024.

On the 3rd of next month, rerun elections will be conducted in 21 polling units in Orumba North and South and Nnewi North, Nnewi South and Ekwusigo Federal Constituencies.

The rerun election follows an order of the court that election in the 21 polling units in Nanka in Orumba North and Nnewi in Nnewi North local government areas be cancelled and a rerun be held.

A breakdown of the 21 shows 16 polling units in Nanka and 6 polling units in Nnewi.

The INEC has also assured of maximum security arrangements before, during and after the elections scheduled to hold in 21 polling units of Nnewi North, South, Ekwusigo as well as Orumba North and South Federal Constituencies.

Addressing reporters in Awka, Resident Electoral Commissioner, Dr Elizabeth Agu assured that all logistics necessary for the election had been put in place.

She said although the exercise was stand-alone type, the commission was not taking anything for chance, as criminal elements could infiltrate the area from neighbouring states to cause crisis.

While cautioning against thuggery, vote buying, inducement, intimidation and any other formsl of electoral malpractices, Agu warned thugs and other trouble makers to steer clear of the election venues.

She said, “We’ve made adequate provision and arrangements as if we’re going for a full blown election so we won’t be taken unawares. We’ll bombard the place with security.

“Meanwhile, no civilian will be molested and harassed during the exercise. Peacefully go to your polling unit and cast your vote. Don’t be careless with words as you may not know who is listening and watching.”

The REC further advised the candidates not to see the election as do-or-die affair, but to allow the electorate exercise their franchise for their preferred candidates.

“Campaign will end on the 1st of Fabruary and election will be conducted in 21 polling units across the constituencies involved. Do your homework properly through campaign. If the voters find you worthy they’ll vote for you,” she said.

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