Extravagant Love

“Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.” John 12:3.

This was an extravagant act. Love is extravagant. Mary’s act of worship was a heart response to Jesus (not head, but heart). What happened? The fragrance of the perfume filled the room. Likewise, when we praise Him extravagantly, the fragrance of His presence fills the room. It is that fragrance that draws people to Jesus.

Worship in spirit is worship from your heart. Worship in truth is worship from your current situation in life. When the Lord says He is seeking worshippers to worship Him in spirit and in truth, He means He is seeking those who will worship Him from their heart (not head), right where they are at any given moment in time. Yes, you can worship Him out of a broken heart or out of pain and suffering. To do so transfers the burden to Him.

How can we waste anything on Jesus? Mary’s act of worship was so extravagant that she was accused of wasting the precious oil on Him. Our worship needs to be extravagant because love is extravagant.

All creativity is a gift from God to be used for His Kingdom. The worship aspect of the arts in general, and dance, in particular, is obvious. If the lifting of my hands is like the evening sacrifice (Psalm 141:2), how much more my whole body expressing my love to Him? With physical worship, anyone who is willing, can receive from the Lord. It can be a visual expression of the Word.


“Lord I do love You and I need a bit more boldness to express my love for You in a way that is extravagant and devoted. Light your fire in me Lord!”

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Final Thoughts:

Lastly, Worship and praise bring us into the presence of the Lord. In His presence there is healing, deliverance, safety, salvation, cleansing, restoration, gifts, fullness of joy: indeed, all that we could ever need.

If we really love the Lord, let’s show Him with our whole hearts. Let’s give Him extravagant worship and praise and let’s be bold and do it Biblically. Blessings.

Be Greatly Blessed!

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