Due Process


Life is beyond what eyes could see. So deep it takes a decerning mind to understand and appreciate the various vibrations that make things to be.

We are mixtures of energies, good and bad, positive and negative. Each of these energies plays roles very unique to them which no other can in the life of people. What such energies do in people’s life isn’t more important than the due process that brings forth their results.

Though blood and water flow through the veins to sustain life, the due process that makes such possible is equally important. Without the due process and nature’ insistence that it is followed strictly there could be possible life threatening emergencies.

Due process is key in whatever one does. It gives credit to actions and the validation unquestionable. The means not the end justifies any action; the means must be flawless for the end to be justified.

I have no problem with anybody becoming the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria once the due process that brings such a person up is credible, honourable and unflawed.

It is due process a dog advocates when it insists that the lice that was picked from its body be shown to it less it thinks it was pinched.

Due process is key in everything. Result

is good but not as important as the due process that leads to the result. Show me the process, make it credible and transparent and I will accept any result that comes fort through it.

Nigerians don’t hate anybody on account of fortune and success achieved . Flaunt your millions. Brandish your bullion vans in multiples etc They will be happy to celebrate with you once the process that birthed such monies is credible. We neither begrudge nor castigate the progress of others but we are overly irritable when the process is dirty and fraudulent.

For those who seem to misunderstand the anger and disaffection expressed on 25th Presidential election result and the eventual announcement of Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the winner, the anger and disaffection are not about the person of Tinubu but more on the process.

What Nigerians are saying in one voice is, show us the process that made him the winner. Show us in an unambiguous way , step by step how he won. If it is done and the process appears credible and unflawed Nigerians will surely accept him as the President and we move. Anything less than this, his presidency if it stands through dubious means will be unacceptable.

Due process is key in anything in life. Due process in family matters diminishes rancour. Due process in office eliminates envy. Due process in religious issue reduces to the barest level sense of disdain. Due process brings clarity and makes the heart less disturbed and envious.

Bola Tinubu can become the president of Nigeria for all I care , but due process must be followed.

We move! We pray! We insist on due process! No retreat no surrender, the struggle continues!


Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

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