Representatives of donor governments will meet 4-5 December in Centurion, South Africa, to conclude the 15th Replenishment of the African Development Fund (ADF) with a financing package for Africa’s low-income countries for the period 2020-2022.
Representatives of beneficiary member countries will also participate in the deliberations, focusing on the needs and priorities of ADF countries and measures and resources to address them.
Over the past 45 years, the African Development Fund has played a central role in providing concessional resources to low-income African countries while demonstrating clear value for money to both donors and recipients. The Fund has also provided catalytic financing and policy advice to help countries deliver essential services that help accelerate growth and protect vulnerable communities.
The results associated with its operations have changed the lives of millions of Africans, making the ADF a trusted and strategic partner for all its stakeholders.
The Strategic Pillars of ADF-15 include (i) providing quality and sustainable infrastructure to support economic transformation and promote regional integration; and (ii) delivering human, governance and institutional capacity to promote inclusive growth and decent job creation.
ADF will scale up support to the most vulnerable and to those countries facing fragility and it will aim to tackle the root causes of fragility and strengthen resilience of its eligible countries by systematically using a fragility lens in its operations design.
It will also give a special attention to cross-cutting issues such as gender mainstreaming, climate change, governance, private sector development and job creation.
Journalists are invited to cover the opening plenary of the meetings on Wednesday, 4 December 2019 at 8 am.