CSOs urge Otti to Wade into Alleged Killing of Abia Woman by Chinese Employee who Allegedly Impregnated Her

CSOs urge Otti to Wade into Alleged Killing of Abia Woman by Chinese Employee who Allegedly Impregnated Her
Miss Vivian Ocheze Munachi
A coalition of CSOs in Abia State known as the Abia Civil Society Network, ACSON, has written the Governor of the state, Dr Alex Otti, to urgently intervene and take action concerning the alleged killing of one Miss Vivian Ocheze Munachi by her expatriate employee.
In an open letter, signed by the ACSON conveyor I, Bar. Amaka Biachi, the Conveyor II, Cassius Ukwugbe and the Executive Secretary, Chuka Okoye, the group said it is concerned over the weighty allegations against the expatriate.
“As a group committed to the promotion of civil rights and justice within our community,  we are gravely concerned about the alleged tragic and untimely death of Miss Vivian Ocheze Munachi, which occurred on Monday, 20th May 2024, in the premises of Inner Galaxy Company, a steel manufacturing firm located in Umuahala village, Ukwa West Local Government Area, Abia State.
“In a detailed report on the cause of death by a popular newspaper, it was alleged that Miss Ocheze was allegedly pushed to her death by Mr. G.Z. Zhen, the manager of Inner Galaxy Company, following a heated altercation. 
“The altercation reportedly ensued after Miss Ocheze informed Mr. Zhen of her pregnancy, for which he refused to take responsibility. 
The confrontation escalated into a physical struggle, during which Mr. Zhen allegedly pushed Miss Ocheze from an upstairs location, causing her to fall onto heavy metals and stones, resulting in her instant death.
“This incident has understandably caused an uproar and considerable distress within the Umuahala community and beyond,” the group said in the open letter.
They called on the Governor as the Chief security officer of the state, committed to justice and the rule of law, to use his office to ensure a thorough Investigation is carried out to fish out the culprits and unravel the mystery behind Miss Ocheze’s death.
The outcome of this investigation,” the group said, “should be made public.
We also call on the governor to ensure that the perpetrator(s) involved in this heinous act are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 
“For Corporate Accountability, we call for a search of Inner Galaxy Company for any potential breaches of safety and ethical standards, and for appropriate actions to be taken, if the company is found culpable.
“We also appeal that the necessary support be provided for her family.”
Emphasizing that no individual, regardless of nationality or position, should be above the law, the group expressed the hope that justice will be served promptly in the matter, to uphold the rule of law, and ensure that persons are deterred from such extreme acts of violence.
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