CIBN Launches Agent Banking Certification Program to Elevate Professionalism and Financial Inclusion

World Bank

The Chartered Institute of Bankers (CIBN) has unveiled the Agent Banking Certification (ABC) program, a significant step towards enhancing the professionalism and ethical standards of the agent banking sector in Nigeria.

The program encompasses several key components:

The ABC program is designed to certify a diverse range of professionals, including point of sales (POS) agents, NIN/BVN agents, agent network managers, and customer service officers. It also extends to personnel engaged in agent banking within both traditional banks and FinTech companies.

A primary motivation behind the program is to address capacity challenges within the agent banking ecosystem. The ABC certification equips individuals with comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience through engagement with industry experts.

Certified professionals will not only gain theoretical knowledge but also practical engagement in established procedures for conducting agent banking services in Nigeria. This hands-on approach ensures that certified agents are well-rounded and capable of maintaining ethical standards.

Agent banking has been instrumental in promoting financial inclusion by extending access to financial services, particularly in underserved areas. The CIBN sees the ABC program as a way to democratize banking services, reaching even the most remote regions of the country.

Fasasi Sarafadeen Atanda, a member of the CIBN sub-committee, anticipates that the program will result in a higher level of expertise and professionalism among POS agents, mobile money agents, and bank customer service desks. This enhanced professionalism is expected to lead to improved responses to customer concerns and issues related to POS transactions.

Recognizing the proliferation of unregistered agents in the ecosystem and associated risks, including unethical practices and poor training, the CIBN emphasizes the importance of certification to ensure that agents adhere to ethical standards and perform their roles diligently.

The ABC program also focuses on high-volume transactions, particularly those involving sensitive data like Biometric Verification Numbers (BVN) and National Identity Numbers (NIN). Certified agents are deemed crucial in processing significant transactions, ensuring better Know Your Customer (KYC) practices and ethical standards.

The introduction of the Agent Banking Certification (ABC) program marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the agent banking sector in Nigeria. It aims to elevate professionalism, enhance service quality, and ultimately advance financial inclusion. For further information about the program, interested parties can visit

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