Cellgevity: An accident waiting to happen!

A patient came to see me recently.

She came because she had suffered a seizure, and was complaining of confusion and headaches. A brain scan was required and fortunately, this did not show a brain tumour. However, she has a horrible breast cancer and had been prescribed Cellgevity, for her breast cancer, by a doctor.

I will let that sink in for a second.

Now, follow me for a minute.

There is a chemical in the body called Glutathione. Glutathione is thought to be essential for maintaining the body’s defense system (immune system) and fighting poisoning. Now, when I say poisoning, I don’t mean sniper or a snake bite poison. It helps to remove some internal impurities generated by the body itself, from the body.

Do you understand that?

Glutathione is sold in Nigeria and other countries as Cellgevity. It has been touted as the secret to prevent aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia and more, and necessary to treat everything from autism to Alzheimer’s disease. This is of course not true but you would not know from the hype surrounding the drug. Many people who sell Cellgevity believe in natural medicine and food supplements. They think this drug helps the body to heal itself and so can cure all illnesses.

Therefore, they promote food supplements as the cure for everything including earache and cancer. Some even say it can wake up the dead. Yet, this is not true. There is no research to back these outlandish claims. In truth, the naturopathic profession has a reputation for touting products and services that are useless, ineffective, lacking good evidence, and sometimes even dangerous.

It is okay if you, a member of the public, feign ignorance. It is not okay if you are a doctor. It is not okay for a fully trained and responsible medical practitioner in Nigeria to prescribe Cellgevity for the treatment of breast cancer.

It is simply criminal.

Cellgevity: an accident waiting to happen!

What you need to know is that Worldwide, this is a Billion-dollar industry and a lot of investments are riding on it. Cellgevity is the MMM of our time and an accident waiting to happen. Cellgevity in Nigeria is a cause of disability and death, in those who believe it will rid them of cancer and heart disease. It won’t but it would be too late before many realise their foolishness.

May I crave your indulgence to repeat this?

A market woman can claim that eating bitter leaf cured her of AIDS. A pastor can say that his prayers woke up the dead. It is okay if you, a member of the public, believe that crap. It is not okay if you are a doctor. It is not okay for a fully trained and responsible medical practitioner in Nigeria to prescribe Cellgevity for the treatment of chronic diseases. It is not okay for doctors to ask their patients to stop buying conventional and proven medications for Cellgevity.

It is simply criminal.

The facts are that Cellgevity is not a treatment for anything. It may improve wellbeing in some people but definitely not a cure for all diseases. The improvement in wellbeing could also be a placebo effect and very short-lived. Those who use Cellgevity in place of their normal medications for diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and asthma are playing with fire.

You know it cannot stop the ageing process.

It cannot return you to those glorious years.

It cannot cure arthritis and degenerative diseases.

It is not treatment for cancer.

Please permit me to repeat this chant.

The naturopathic profession has a reputation for touting products and services that are useless, ineffective, lacking good evidence, and sometimes even dangerous. Cellgevity is an accident waiting to happen! There is no credible research to back the effectiveness of Cellgevity. It is simply a rogue dipping a hand into your pocket. If you have surplus money, please give it to orphans or the aged.

Finally, and for the last time.

It is grossly irresponsible for doctors to prescribe this medication for patients. Such actors have sacrificed financial gain for this impropriety. They should be sued if you or your relatives do come to harm.

If you suffer a stroke while taking Cellgevity, sue.

If your diabetes causes a complication, sue.

If someone dies with fungating cancer while using Cellgevity prescribed by a doctor, please sue.

Don’t let your relative die in vain, so someone can buy a new suit.

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