Borno Speaker Warns of Insecurity in Resettled Areas

Borno Speaker Warns of Insecurity in Resettled Areas
The Speaker of the Borno State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Abdulkarim Lawan
The Speaker of the Borno State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Abdulkarim Lawan, has expressed strong criticism towards the military for their neglect of Guzamala Local Government Area (LGA). 
This neglect, according to Lawan, has hindered the residents from returning to their homes, even after 15 years of insurgency.
He highlighted that, with the exception of Monguno town, all resettled communities in Northern Borno lack adequate security or military presence, which is essential for the safe return and resettlement of displaced persons.
Lawan’s concerns were made public during the 2024 Democracy Day celebration held at Ramat Square in Maiduguri.
He voiced his deep concern over the persistent absence of people in Guzamala LGA, Kukawa town, and other communities that were displaced by Boko Haram terrorists.
The lack of military presence in these areas remains a significant issue despite ongoing threats from insurgents.
This absence of security forces, Lawan noted, continues to pose a severe risk to any potential returnees.
Further elaborating on the issue, Lawan mentioned that displaced persons from Guzamala had to cast their votes from internally displaced persons (IDP) camps during the 2023 general elections.
This displacement persists, as those who were resettled from IDP camps in Maiduguri found themselves relocated to other IDP camps in Logas, still unable to return to their original homes due to the prevailing insecurity.
The Speaker issued a stark warning that the continued neglect of Guzamala, Kukawa town, and other similarly affected communities would significantly undermine efforts to restore and maintain security in the state.
This neglect, he cautioned, would only enable terrorists to continue their destructive activities unchecked.
In a response to these concerns, Acting Governor Usman Kadafur issued a directive to the State Commissioner for Local Government and Emirate Affairs, Sugun Mele.
The directive was to commence the reconstruction of Gudumbali, the headquarters of Guzamala LGA.
This reconstruction is seen as a crucial step towards facilitating the return of its residents and rebuilding the community, thereby working towards the larger goal of restoring peace and security in the region.
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