Many people will not marry!
Many will not take up ‘professional’ career journeys.
Many will not give birth(by choice).
Many will not be parents by choice.
Many will not remain spouses to others.
Career, Child birth, spousal, parenting, etc, are huge responsibilities that not many will be willing to take up in pairs.
Does it make anybody less of a responsible person for choosing to do just one ? No.
There are many responsibilities to take up as an adult, from career, child birth, spousal, parenting…
Identify your strength and focus on it especially if you feel you can’t handle two simultaneously. You can also choose one first and another afterwards.
There are people who by their nature can’t be good parents, if they have identified this, kindly do not push them to become parents.
There are also people who can’t stay married, let them be. They are not ready or fashioned for that responsibility.
While many will choose to take up more than one of the responsibilities in the society, the bottom line is, whichever thing you choose to lay your hands on, do it with diligence.
I am of the opinion that people should be allowed to take up responsibilities as they deem fit, strictly by choice and not societal pressure.
Before I drop my pen let me pass the message that brought me;
It is laughable that someone progressing in their career choice of engineering feels they are better than the one who has chosen the ‘parenting profession’.
Parenting is a profession and people should no longer be seen as though they are doing nothing while at it.
The society will be better when parenting becomes a big deal. When people become trained to do the job.
A good parent contributes greatly to the growth of the society just like someone who invents a great software.
The world has become a victim of bad parenting.
Uche Nonso Azubuine