Welcome to another day of English lessons. You know what that means… Another vicious tautology chain will be broken today 😁 Please study the sentence in the post. This one is a bit tricky because it sounds so good, intelligent and correct especially if you now add some foreign accent to it 😄🙌🏼 But this one is the worst because there are three words as opposed to the usual two. First: the beginning Foremost: the first Begin: addressing the first 😁😁😁😁😁 See now? I understand why people say this but it does not make it correct. The ideal thing to…

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Ever wondered why some words sound alike and are often misused in sentences? Today, we are going to be looking at the words ‘illicit’ and ‘elicit’ Illicit: refers to something lacking in licitness, unlawful, illegitimate, forbidden by law and so on. E.g. illicit drugs. Elicit: means to cause, to spur, to evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer or fact) from someone. E.g. I tried to elicit a smile from Donna. Got it now?? Join us again next week

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