Army Chief Urges Media to Partner with Nigerian Army to Combat Insecurity

Army Chief Urges Media to Partner with Nigerian Army to Combat Insecurity
Chief of Civil-Military Affairs, Maj. Gen. Nosakhare Ugbo, Victoria Ajayi, Group Managing Director of TVC among others

The Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has called on media professionals to collaborate with the Nigerian Army and other security agencies in addressing the country’s insecurity issues.

This appeal was made during his keynote address at the Nigerian Army Civil-Military Cooperation Media Chat held in Kano on Thursday.

Lagbaja highlighted the event’s theme, “Synergizing Civil-Military Cooperation for National Security, Focus on Nigerian Army-Media Relations,” as particularly relevant given Nigeria’s current security situation.

He emphasized that civil-military cooperation is crucial for achieving national security goals.

The Army Chief stressed the importance of building stronger relationships with the media, recognizing their essential role in shaping public opinion, informing the populace, and promoting transparency in governance.

“The Nigerian Army is fully committed to protecting law-abiding citizens and their civil liberties.

“We believe that a robust partnership with the media is vital in achieving this goal. The media acts as a bridge between the military and the citizens, ensuring accountability and fostering a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding.” Lagbaja stated.

He noted that the Nigerian Army has significantly improved its communication and engagement with the media over the years, working diligently to remove obstacles to peace and enhance civil-military relations. However, he acknowledged that there are still challenges to address and work to be done.

“We must establish regular communication channels for transparent and accurate reporting of military operations and activities, timely dissemination of information to build public confidence, and counter misinformation.

“I encourage you to exercise responsibility, accuracy, and fairness in reporting on Nigerian Army matters. While we value press freedom, it is crucial to balance national security interests with the public’s right to information,” he urged.

Lagbaja also urged the media to avoid spreading fake news or inflammatory content that could undermine national unity and security.

He reiterated the Nigerian Army’s commitment to improving media access to military operations within the limits of operational security.

He emphasized that the Media Chat symbolizes the Army’s dedication to transparent and effective communication with media practitioners.

He reassured the nation of the Nigerian Army’s unwavering loyalty to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, expressing gratitude to the President for his continuous strategic guidance and support.

Maj. Gen. Nosakhare Ugbo, Chief of Civil-Military Affairs, stated that the media chat serves as a platform to synergize efforts, enhance communication, and foster a strong, collaborative relationship between the Nigerian Army and the media for national security.

He reiterated the Army’s commitment to safeguarding the nation and fostering relationships that promote understanding and unity.

Victoria Ajayi, the special guest of honor and Group Managing Director of TVC, praised the Nigerian Army for engaging with the media, fostering interactions that enhance transparency, and promoting a shared understanding of security challenges.

She lauded the Army’s efforts in ensuring the safety and security of the people amid various security challenges.

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