A New Nigeria isn’t possible?

Kudos to His Excellency Mr Peter Obi the president of Nigeria in proximate potency. I listened to your amazing and breathtaking outing at Chatham House. You killed it as always, leaving goose pimples on many skins. Even when I didn’t see any electoral capital to cash out on from that visit. You did well nevertheless.

Since the beginning of this revolution of consciousness to own the electoral process to elect our leaders; the word “New Nigeria” has been a signature tune, defining the very yearning and desire of Nigerians expecially the youths to have a bit of fresh air from the usual choked and dusty environment, almost giving every single Nigerian an asmathic economy.

Nigeria was discovered in 1914 according to history, but the truth is, the geographical entities that made up what is presently called Nigeria has been in existence since creation of the earth. It may have been discovered but certainly not new in existence.

In 1960 our colonial masters removed their chains of subjugation round our legs and hands, setting us free as independent, while the chains of mental dependency are yet to be unlocked and removed.

So a country of over 60 years can’t be referred as new and its rebirth into newness isn’t possible.

Painting an old house to assume and reflect the beauty and esthetics of its former form doesn’t make it new, at best description a repainted house. Even when the entire house is remodelled without pulling down the buliding from the foundation, it will be inappropriate to describe such a house new, at best description renovated.

There is an ancient path of dignity, honesty, patriotism, community services, the very path of our heroes past which will never be allowed to go down to the drainage .

There was a past, when the world saw Nigeria as a cynosure, a destination point for tourism, a place overflowing with milk and honey, when this almighty dollar played a second fiddle to naira.

Nigeria had a past, when Japa was not fashionable, travelling for further studies was purely to seek for knowledge not as an easy route to escape the very hash economy of the country.

We don’t want a new Nigeria which for me an allegory, rather we want this Nigeria of the ancient path when naira will be higher than dollar and cost and comfort of living better than the type that lure many to Europe.

Nigeria as a country has seen good years of abundance and overflow. It has seen an affordable cost of living, many turned down offer to work and live in Europe and opted to return to Nigeria; a country of amazing and boundless opportunities to make a decent living. Take us to that era and never bother building a New Nigeria which can only exist in the figment of human mind.

There is nothing like bad or good Nigeria. In every sense of appropriateness Nigeria can’t be qualified with any kind of adjective. Nigeria is Nigeria! And a new Nigeria is an illusion.

Nigeria is Nigeria, what makes or mar this country is not Nigeria but Nigerians. So if there is any need for a new dawn; it will be rather the people of Nigeria- Nigerians not Nigeria.

When we have new Nigerians, Nigerians who are first Nigeria, very patriotic and selfless, very decent and law abiding, very resourceful and diligent, very productive and creative, very self sufficient and reasonably frugal; the Nigeria of the ancient path will automatically evolve.

Our bad Nigerianess has eclipsed the Nigeria of the ancient path for years. Take us to that path! The truth is, nobody takes anybody to any ancient path of Nigeria, collectively we can pull our strings to that path through attitudinal change and value reorientation.

All we need is one single visionary leader with the will power to do the right things consistently too, no compromise, no halo effect consideration, living for all and insisting that right things are done.

Peter to my mind is that leader. Let him be on the driver’s seat and the Nigeria of the ancient path will shine forth again and new Nigerians will be a reality.


Jarlath Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com

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