A Nation in Peril: Nigeria’s Growing Insecurity and Government Inaction

A Nation in Peril: Nigeria's Growing Insecurity and Government Inaction
Stanley Ugagbe

The recent bomb attacks in Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State, which resulted in the tragic loss of at least 18 lives and left scores injured, are a stark reminder of the grim reality that Nigerians face daily. President Bola Tinubu’s condemnation of these attacks, while necessary, rings hollow in the face of a broader, more disturbing truth: a nation that is not at war is experiencing gruesome killings daily.

Female suicide bombers targeting a wedding, a funeral, and a hospital in coordinated attacks are not merely acts of terror; they are a damning indictment of a government that has failed to protect its citizens. These attacks are a manifestation of the growing insecurity that has forced farmers to abandon their fields, leaving Nigerians in a perpetual state of fear.

President Tinubu’s assertion that these attacks are desperate acts of terror and a sign of the success in degrading the terrorists’ capacity is little more than political rhetoric. The harsh reality is that the government’s approach has been reactive rather than proactive, allowing these heinous acts to continue unabated. The declaration that purveyors of violence will face justice offers cold comfort to a populace that has heard similar promises before, only to see the bloodshed continue.

It is time for the government to move beyond empty condemnations and take decisive, proactive measures to secure the nation. The ongoing violence is not an isolated episode; it is a symptom of a deeper malaise that has been allowed to fester for far too long. The government must intensify its efforts, not just in response to attacks, but in anticipation of them, to dismantle the networks that perpetuate this violence.

President Tinubu’s administration must be held accountable for its inability to tackle the growing insecurity that plagues the nation. It is not enough to mourn the victims and offer condolences. The Nigerian people demand and deserve a government that prioritizes their safety, ensures justice, and restores order. The era of fear, tears, sorrow, and blood must end, and it is the government’s responsibility to lead the way out of this dark chapter.

In memory of the victims of these senseless attacks, and in solidarity with the families and communities left shattered by this violence, I call on the government to act with urgency and resolve. The time for action is now. Nigeria cannot afford to wait any longer.

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