A Lent in Love!

A Lent in Love!

ShikrotMpwi – Ash Wednesday Synopsis with Fr. Justine J. Dyikuk – 14 February2024

Readings: Joel 2:12-18; Responsorial Psalm Ps 51:3-4, 5-6AB 12, 14 & 17; 2nd Cor. 5:20-6:2; Gospel Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18.

Theme: A Lent in Love!


The first reading invites the faithful of Yahweh to return to the Lord with their hearts, fasting, weeping, and mourning. In the second reading, St. Paul states that because we are ambassadors for Christ, God is appealing to us to be reconciled with him.The Gospel urges the faithful not to parade our good works. Rather than being hypocrites, it charges that we give alms, pray, and fast in secret assuring that God who sees all that is done in secret will reward us.St. Valentine died for love in imitation of Jesus, our superhero, who is the reason for the season and urges us to pursue “A Lent in Love.”


Beloved in Christ, the seamless celebration of Ash Wednesday and Valentines’ Day reminds us of “A Lent in Love.” St. Valentine died for love in imitation of Jesus, our superhero, who is the reason for the season. Lent invites us to march with the Lord for 40 days through the annual observances of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. While the ashes we receive on our foreheadsreminds us that we are sinners, the sign of the cross made from them reveals that we have a Saviour. The law of the Church prescribes abstinence and fasting for Catholics on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday for those (18yrs-59) – apart from pregnant women and those who are 60 years and above. All Fridays of the year are days of penance. All persons who are 14 years old and older are bound by the law of abstinence on all Fridays that are not solemnities. Lenten Season provides us with a tapestry of spiritual insights meant for our good.

Background and Summary of the Readings

The first reading (Joel 2:12) invites the faithful of Yahweh to return to the Lord with their hearts, fasting, weeping, and mourning. It assures that the Lord is tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in graciousness and ready to relent.

In the second reading (2ndCor. 5:20-6:2), St. Paul states that because we are ambassadors for Christ, God is appealing to us to be reconciled with him. He cautions us never to neglect the grace of God we receivedemphasising that now is the favourable time, the day of salvation.

The Gospel (Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18) urges the faithful not to parade our good works. Rather than being hypocrites, it charges that we give alms, pray, and fast in secret assuring that God who sees all that is done in secret will reward us.

Pastoral Lessons

  1. Take to Prayer: Lent gives us such an opportunity to have extra time for communing with God in response to his commandments through prayer which better equips us to live out our lives as Christians.
  2. Undertake Fasting:By fasting for forty days and nights before beginning his earthly ministry, during Lent, we are encouraged to abstain from meat, alcoholic drinks, sweets,movies and social mediaas a way of spiritual growth.
  3. Give Alms: Instead of giving those who can give back to us, Christians are challenged to be charitable to orphans, widows, the aged, those in prison, the hospitalized and all destitute people.
  4. Prepare for his Passion:Ash Wednesday invites us to preparefor the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ which is climaxed through the events of the Holy Weekexemplified by the ashes which signify repentance/penitence and the fact that we are dust, and we shall return to dust.
  5. Observe the Via Dolorosa:We are urged to combine attending the Via Dolorosa – the Stations of the Cross with letting go the pleasure of choicest foods and drinks.

Summary Lines

  1. The first reading invites the faithful of Yahweh to return to the Lord with their hearts, fasting, weeping, and mourning.
  2. In the second reading, St. Paul states that because we are ambassadors for Christ, God is appealing to us to be reconciled with him.
  3. He cautions us never to neglect the grace of God we received emphasising that now is the favourable time, the day of salvation.
  4. The Gospel urges the faithful not to parade our good works.
  5. Rather than being hypocrites, it charges that we give alms, pray, and fast in secret assuring that God who sees all that is done in secret will reward us.


By remembering the 40 days Jesus fasted in the wilderness, we celebrate Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection. As Christ’s faithful, we are called upon to dispose ourselves for a more fruitful reception of the sacraments and the graces which Christ unleashes upon us by His Paschal Mystery. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving will forever remain our spiritual tools for repentance and renewal. May this Holy Season enrich us in every way and transform our country into the new heaven and new earth which the scripture talks about. St. Valentine, pray for us. Have a pleasant Lenten Season!

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