A Call to Minister Uju Kennedy of Women Affairs Amidst Audio Threats

In the intricate sewing of Nigeria’s story, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture where threads of spirituality, morality, psychology, and leadership intricately weave together. Recent revelations surrounding Mrs. Uju Kennedy, the Minister of Women Affairs have not only ignited impassioned debates but also ignited a collective introspection. As a psychologist, I write today with a heart weighed down by concern, yet filled with hope and deep reverence for the spiritual and moral foundations that underpin our lives and my native home.

Nigeria, our beloved homeland, is an amalgamation of diverse cultures, traditions, and faiths. It is within this vibrant mosaic that we discover our shared heritage, enduring values, and the eternal aspirations that chart our journey. Throughout history, leaders have often sought solace in the wisdom of faith and the profound reservoirs of faith, knowledge and reality to navigate the labyrinth of decision-making.

Today, we stand at the crossroads of morality and justice, confronted by a moral reckoning that summons us to contemplate the essence of our faith, the teachings of our belief systems, and the legacy we bequeath to generations yet unborn. This plea extends beyond a mere call for justice; it is a psychological call and spiritual supplication to the very essence of our existence.

The recent revelations have not only stirred emotions but have also raised profound questions about the path we tread as a nation. As a psychologist, I acknowledge the emotional turmoil endured by the victimized students—brave young women who harbor dreams and aspirations now thrust into the glaring spotlight, all due to circumstances beyond their control. Their courage to speak out, to seek justice, and to advocate for their fellow students is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity.

In the face of allegations involving the abuse of power, we are compelled to reflect on the message safeguarding the minister sends—not only to the women and girls of Nigeria but also to the Divine itself. Will we stand steadfast in our commitment to justice, accountability, and the well-being of our people, particularly the young girls who are the nation’s future, or will we falter in the face of external pressures?

The spiritual and mental fabric of our society should be intricately woven with threads of justice, compassion, and accountability. Our faiths have bequeathed upon us the solemn duty to protect the vulnerable, to raise our voices against injustice, and to uphold the principles of righteousness. The Ministry of Women Affairs, under the guidance of Nigeria’s First Lady, holds a sacred trust—a mandate to advocate for the rights, dignity, and well-being of women and girls across our nation.

In times such as these, the world watches keenly to observe how we respond—whether we resolutely uphold justice, accountability, and ethical leadership or whether we yield to external pressures. Our actions resonate not only within our borders but reverberate throughout the global stage.

Today, we find ourselves at a defining moment in Nigeria’s history—a moment that will mold not only the present but also the destiny of our nation and the lives of countless women and girls yet unborn. We must contemplate how our choices ripple through time, crafting our legacy and shaping how the world perceives Nigeria.

As a woman leader in her own right, Mrs. Oluremi Tinubu the First Lady of Nigeria comprehends the profound impact of moral choices. This appeal transcends the realm of politics; it beckons her to uphold the banner of ethical leadership, transparency, and accountability. It implores the First Lady to utilize her influential position to advocate for a just and transparent resolution to this situation.

May her voice amplify the call for accountability, justice, and righteousness, and may her actions instill confidence in our nation’s commitment to ethical leadership. In this era of moral reckoning, let us recollect that the world closely observes how we act—whether we unwaveringly champion justice, accountability, and the well-being of our people, particularly the young girls who are the cornerstone of our future.

May the First Lady recognize the profound responsibility that accompanies her role, a responsibility that transcends politics and power and invokes the deepest facets of our humanity. Let us implore the First Lady to seek guidance and inspiration from the spiritual traditions that have illuminated our nation’s path through the ages.

May our choices today become a beacon of hope for a Nigeria where all citizens, particularly women and girls, can flourish in an environment free from harassment, discrimination, and abuse. Together, let us chart a course that mirrors our faith, upholds our moral values, and forges a brighter future for Nigeria.

Mrs. Kennedy, in discussing these critical issues, it’s essential to understand the various forms of sexual misconduct that can afflict individuals and communities.

Sexual misconduct encompasses a range of behaviors that violate personal boundaries, consent, and ethical standards. Here are different types of sexual misconduct, along with examples:

Verbal Sexual Harassment:

Definition: Making unwanted sexual comments, advances, or requests for sexual favors through spoken or written words, creating a hostile environment.

Example: Making sexually explicit comments or sending explicit emails in a workplace setting, making someone uncomfortable.

Physical Touching Without Consent:

Definition: Engaging in any non-consensual physical contact of a sexual nature.

Example: Groping, fondling, or forcibly kissing someone without their agreement.

Non-Verbal Sexual Harassment:


Definition: Expressing unwelcome sexual advances, comments, or requests through non-verbal means like gestures, body language, or visual materials.

Example: Making lewd gestures, displaying explicit images, or sending sexually suggestive emojis without consent.


Definition: Forcing someone into sexual intercourse or other sexual acts against their will, a clear and extreme form of sexual misconduct.

Example: Physically overpowering someone and sexually assaulting them.


Definition: Repeatedly following, monitoring, or contacting someone without their consent, causing them to fear for their safety and well-being.

Example: Relentlessly pursuing someone online, tracking their movements, and sending threatening messages.


Definition: Spying on individuals without their consent to obtain sexual pleasure, often by observing their private activities or body.

Example: Secretly filming someone undressing or engaging in sexual activities without their knowledge.


Definition: Exposing one’s genitals or engaging in sexual acts without consent or in inappropriate public places, often for self-gratification.

Example: Flashing someone or performing sexual acts in public without consent from others present.


Definition: Using digital communication platforms to send explicit or harassing messages, images, or threats.

Example: Sending unsolicited explicit photos, engaging in online bullying, or sharing sexually explicit content without consent.

Sexual Exploitation:

Definition: Taking advantage of someone’s vulnerability or inability to provide informed consent for sexual purposes.

Example: Engaging in sexual acts with someone who is incapacitated or unable to give consent due to intoxication or other factors.


Definition: Building a manipulative and controlling relationship with a vulnerable individual with the intent of sexually exploiting them.

Example: An adult befriends a minor online, gains their trust over time, and eventually coerces them into sexual activity.

Revenge Porn:

Definition: Sharing explicit photos or videos of someone without their consent, typically with the intent to harm, embarrass, or coerce them.

Example: Posting explicit images of an ex-partner online as an act of retaliation or coercion.

These examples illustrate the various forms of sexual misconduct, highlighting the importance of consent, respect, and ethical conduct in all interactions.

These examples illustrate the various forms of sexual misconduct that can occur and emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing such behaviors to create safer and more respectful environments for all individuals.

Now, within this context, it is imperative to address situations where those in positions of authority engage in or condone such misconduct. In a recent audio recording, a victimized student bravely recounted her traumatic experiences at the hands of a senior faculty member. Her account revealed instances of harassment, abuse, and a flagrant disregard for consent.

In a society where power dynamics often go unchecked, it is crucial to understand the dire consequences of sexual misconduct, even when it does not culminate in what is traditionally perceived as sexual intercourse or rape. The student’s narrative bears witness to the psychological and emotional scars inflicted when trust is betrayed, boundaries are violated, and the vulnerable are exploited.

It is disheartening that, despite hearing the student’s harrowing experiences, the Minister of Women Affairs chose to dismiss the gravity of the situation with a statement that sent shockwaves through the nation. She asserted, “So there was no sex, no sex, no rape.”

This response not only oversimplifies the multifaceted nature of sexual misconduct but also demonstrates a profound lack of empathy and understanding. It is a stark reminder of the urgent need for education and awareness regarding the different forms of sexual misconduct and their far-reaching impact.

Sexual misconduct encompasses a spectrum of behaviors that can leave lasting scars on victims, regardless of whether they meet a specific legal definition. It involves manipulative power dynamics, exploitation, and violations of trust, as vividly illustrated by the student’s account. Such experiences can lead to severe psychological trauma, affecting victims’ well-being, mental health, and future relationships.

In the face of such revelations, we must ponder the roles and responsibilities of leaders and institutions in safeguarding the rights and dignity of individuals, especially the vulnerable. It is a collective duty to foster environments where victims can come forward without fear of retribution or dismissal.

The Minister of Women Affairs, as a leader and advocate for women’s rights, bears a significant responsibility in this regard. It is incumbent upon her to recognize the nuances of sexual misconduct, to show compassion for victims, and to take a stand against all forms of abuse. Only by doing so can we hope to create a society where justice, accountability, and empathy prevail.

This appeal is not just a call for justice; it is a call for a deeper understanding of the complexities of sexual misconduct. It is an appeal for ethical leadership that prioritizes the well-being of all citizens, particularly the vulnerable. It is an appeal for our nation to rise above the shadows of ignorance and indifference, to stand as a beacon of hope, and to nurture an environment where the cries of victims are heard, believed, and acted upon.

The global community is watching, and history will judge us not only by our actions but also by our commitment to righteousness and justice. Let our response to this clarion call reflect the values we hold dear, the principles we uphold, and the legacy we aspire to leave for generations yet unborn. May the pursuit of justice and empathy guide our path forward, leading to a Nigeria where all its citizens can flourish free from harassment, discrimination, and abuse.

Let us remember that it is not enough to fear God; we must also strive to act in accordance with the principles of justice, compassion, and accountability that our faiths have bequeathed upon us. In this endeavor, let us stand together to ensure a brighter, more equitable future for Nigeria.


Promoting Justice Through Legal Avenues
Psychologist John Egbeazien Oshodi

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