22 Armoured Brigade Rescues Kidnap Victims in Kwara 

22 Armoured Brigade Rescues Kidnap Victims in Kwara 
Brigadier General O.F. Williams, Commander of the 22 Brigade and Mr. Shonibare, Chairman of Ifelodun Local Government Council with the rescued women
Troops from the 22 Armoured Brigade stationed at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Patigi rescued five kidnapped individuals, including four females and a child, during a search and rescue operation in Olapade/Olayinka village, Ifelodun Local Government Area of Kwara State, On Monday.
The rescue operation was initiated following an intelligence report from local residents and vigilante groups.
Acting on this information, the troops engaged the kidnappers in a confrontation that led to the safe recovery of the victims.
After the successful rescue, Brigadier General O.F. Williams, Commander of the 22 Brigade, formally handed over the freed individuals to Mr. Shonibare, Chairman of Ifelodun Local Government Council, during a brief ceremony on Thursday.
The victims, who had been abducted on May 15, 2024, expressed their gratitude to the military for their timely intervention.
They emphasized that the troops’ quick action and bravery had saved them from a potentially deadly situation.
They also urged the Nigerian Army (NA) to continue its efforts in combating insecurity across the country.
During the ceremony, Brigadier General Williams reassured the Chairman and the people of Kwara State that the Nigerian Army would remain steadfast in its mission to eradicate criminals, bandits, and kidnappers from the state.
He highlighted the brigade’s commitment to maintaining security and encouraged the public to provide timely and useful information to aid the military and security agencies in their operations.
he noted, aligns with the Chief of Army Staff’s (COAS) Command Philosophy of ensuring a secure and peaceful nation.
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