2024 Sallah Celebrations Marred by Inflation and Hardship in Nigeria

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Hassan Haruna
Today, as Muslims around the world celebrate Sallah, enjoying festivities that include the slaughtering of animals, sharing meals, and visiting family and friends, the situation in Nigeria tells a starkly different story.
 Across the country, particularly among the Muslim population, there is an air of despair and sadness.
The poor masses, who once participated joyfully in these traditions, now find themselves unable to afford the essential components of the celebration, primarily due to rampant inflation, subsidy removal, and economic hardship.
Traditionally, Sallah is marked by the sacrifice of animals, such as rams, which are then shared among family and the less fortunate.
In previous years, even the less affluent in Northern Nigeria could afford to buy at least one or two animals—one for their family and one for those who couldn’t afford it.
However, this year, the narrative has changed dramatically. The cost of rams has skyrocketed, ranging from N150,000, N500,000 to N2 million, prices that are simply out of reach for the average Nigerian.
This surge in prices is primarily attributed to the country’s high inflation rate and the recent removal of subsidies, which has exacerbated the financial strain on households.
For many Nigerians, purchasing a ram for Sallah is now a luxury they cannot afford. With such high costs, even if they manage to buy an animal, they are left without enough money for other essentials like rice and spices needed to prepare the festive meals.
The economic situation in Nigeria has reached a point where many families are struggling just to meet their basic needs.
The cost of food, rent, and school fees has become a burden that overshadows the festive spirit.
How can one think of celebrating Sallah when there is no food on the table and children’s education is at risk ?
In the past, Nigerians could celebrate with a budget of just N20,000, which was sufficient to buy a ram and other necessary items for the festival. Today, this amount barely covers the cost of a small bag of rice.
The sharp increase in the prices of basic commodities has made it impossible for many to partake in the celebrations, leading to widespread despair and disappointment.
Many Nigerians attribute this dire situation to poor leadership and governance. A decade ago, the price of a bag of rice was around N7,500, and a packet of spaghetti was N1,800 to N2,000.
The economic policies of the current administration have led to a significant increase in the cost of living, with the minimum wage remaining at N30,000, which is insufficient to cover even the most basic needs.
While some state governors have made efforts to ease the burden by paying salaries early in June to help workers prepare for Sallah, this gesture is not enough.
The minimum wage barely makes a dent in the expenses required for a proper celebration.
In many states, workers are still not receiving the minimum wage, further compounding their financial difficulties.
As Nigeria faces this economic crisis, there is a growing concern about the upcoming Christmas season.
If the government does not take immediate and effective action to curb inflation and address the economic challenges, Christian families will face similar hardships.
The celebration of Christmas, much like Sallah, could be marred by hunger and financial strain.
It is imperative for the federal government and state governors to acknowledge and address the severe economic conditions affecting the Nigerian masses.
The rising costs of living, coupled with insecurity and inflation, are pushing more and more families into poverty and hunger.
Policymakers must prioritize the welfare of the people, implementing measures to stabilize the economy and make basic necessities affordable again.
while politicians and their families remain insulated from the harsh realities of inflation due to their access to public funds, the average Nigerian continues to suffer.
There is an urgent need for leadership that is responsive to the plight of its citizens, ensuring that celebrations like Sallah and Christmas can once again be joyous occasions for all, not just a privileged few.
The government must take decisive action to alleviate the economic hardship and restore hope to the Nigerian people.
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