Yobe State Adopts Spiritual Strategy to Combat Electricity Tower Vandals

Yobe State adopts spiritual strategy to combat electricity tower vandals
The Yobe State government has launched a spiritual warfare to combat the vandals who have been destroying electricity towers, cutting off Borno and Yobe states from the national grid.
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) had repaired the 330 KVA towers that were damaged in February.
However, vandals near Kasaisa village in Gujba LGA have destroyed the towers again, severing Borno and Yobe from the national grid.
Ustaz Babagana Malam Kyari, the Special Advisor to Governor Mai Mala Buni on Religious Affairs, led a group of Muslim clerics in the recitation of the Holy Quran, prayers, and the slaughtering of a cow, seeking divine intervention to punish those responsible for damaging the towers, on Wednesday.
Yobe State adopts spiritual strategy to combat electricity tower vandals
Ustaz Babagana Malam Kyari, the Special Advisor to Governor Mai Mala Buni on Religious Affairs, among others
This spiritual approach followed Governor Buni’s warning that after repairing the towers, he would lead prayers and Quranic recitations against the criminals determined to deprive the two states of electricity.
The Yola Electricity Distribution Company (YEDC) recently reported that the vandals first brought down the towers in December 2023 and then again in February 2024. These incidents were repaired by the Yobe State government in collaboration with TCN.
During Wednesday’s prayer session, where cows were sacrificed, Kyari declared that enough was enough.
Yobe State adopts spiritual strategy to combat electricity tower vandals
He led the clerics and Quranic students in praying for Allah to expose and punish the criminals, their sponsors, supporters, those who provide them with tools, transporters, anyone who knows about the crimes but fails to report them, buyers of the stolen tower parts, and transformer thieves.
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