Work commences on Otuocha-Anam-Nzam-Ibaji Federal Road after 14 Years

Senator Nwoye leads delegation to inspect the Federal Road [TNC]
After 14 years of abandonment, work has finally resumed on the Otuocha-Anam-Nzam-Ibaji federal road, linking Anambra with Kogi State.
The 30.6km dual carriage road which was re-awarded for the sum of over N34 billion, connects the agrarian communities of Anambra State including Nzam, Inoma, Anam, down to Ibaji, Iyeaka as well as leads to Kogi and Abuja.
It was initially contracted to NigerCat Construction in 2009 by the Umaru Musa Yar’Adua administration to the tune of 7 billion naira but was put on hold after one of the engineers working with the contracting firm was kidnapped at the site.
However, the resumption of work on the road has been met with tears of joy and jubilation, as residents and stakeholders alike celebrated the long-awaited development.
The member representing Anambra North Senatorial District, Dr. Tony Nwoye, who was on hand to pay a visit to the construction site, said the resumption of work on the road is a testament to the federal government’s commitment to addressing the infrastructural needs of the people of the area, who are largely farmers.
He said, “This project is partly sponsored by the Federal Government and NNPC. 
“Despite the challenges, I am happy that the project is coming onstream and there were variations which included 5 bridges and a culvert. 
“I believe once the road is completed, it will open up the entire Omambala bed so that our people can have access to Kogi state and transport their farm produce.”
Some materials for the road construction [TNC]
Nwoye, who was accompanied by the member representing Anambra East and West Federal Constituency in the House of representative, Hon. Udeogalanya Peter Aniekwe, and Officers of Anambra Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, noted that though the contract has suffered lots of delays, he will ensure there is proper funding to get the road project completed.
“We are going back to Abuja to ensure the final design is approved so that NigerCat will hit the ground running. 
“I also promise them that I will ensure the funding of the road is followed up because funding is always the major challenge in road construction. 
“We have written to both the Federal Government and the NNPC and they have agreed that once the Contractors raise a certificate, they are going to release the fund,” he revealed.
On his part, Hon. Aniekwe thanked the people of Anambra East and West for their unwavering support and promised that the campaign promises made to the constituency would be fulfilled in due time.
The contracting firm handling the project, through the project manager, Mr. Samuel Nabort also assured the community of their commitment to deliver a quality job that will stand the test of time.
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