Woman Killed by Gunmen in Anambra Two Days After Marriage, Set to be Buried June 27

A young woman, Ifeoma Amarachukwu Ochiagha, who was among those killed in an exchange of gunfire between security operatives and gunmen at Nnobi in Idemili South Council Area of Anambra State last week Monday, is to be buried on Thursday, a burial announcement from her family reveals.

Miss Amarachukwu was hit by a stray bullet when vigilante operatives engaged gunmen at Nnobi junction last week Monday.

The vigilante operatives operating in Nnewi, it was gathered, had received an intelligence report that a gang of armed men were coming into Nnewi through the Nnobi community when the commander led his men to engage them.

Unfortunately, the commander, Mr Eloka Ubajekwe was killed in the crossfire, including some others who were hit by stray bullets, one of whom was Amarachukwu.

It was gathered that the late Amarachukwu had a Saturday before the incident, had part of her traditional marriage rites performed, and was hoping for a life of marital bliss when her life was cut short.

A burial poster shared by her family and signed by her father, Mr Timothy Ochiagha, showed that the late Amarachi was only 22 when she died.

Her remains will be laid to rest on Thursday, the 27th of June, 2024, at her father’s compound at Umunshim-Amadunu Ebenesi Nnobi, according to the poster.

A post by one of her relatives read: “One of the victims of the Nnobi/Nnewi Monday sit-at-home mayhem will be buried on Thursday.

“Amarachukwu, who got married on Saturday, met her sudden death (unknown gunmen) the next Monday.

“May your gentle soul rest in peace, Nwadiana.”

It was gathered that the gunmen who are suspected to be separatist elements were on a mission to enforce the already abolished Monday sit-at-home protest in the South East.

Although the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, which initially gave the order, has lifted the ban on Monday movement across the Southeast, various separatist groups under many guises, have continued to enforce the sit-at-home.

This resulted in wanton destruction of lives and property of both Igbos and visitors alike.

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