When Wealth Dissipated Like The Morning Dew: A Happy Hyena That Didn’t Laugh  

Understand The Grand Plan First, Before Anything Else 
Ndaba Sibanda

  Author Biography

I hail from Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbabwe. I come from a very modest economic, social and literary background. My very first book, Love O’clock was funded by The Swedish Trust through The Zimbabwe Culture Fund. It was received well by readers in Zimbabwe. After its publication, a number of aspiring writers and poets visited me, seeking assistance for their works, hence we formed Writers Get Together (WGT), an association that now boasts of a number of members from such countries as Malawi, South Africa, Cameroon and Botswana. During those formative years, we managed to pool funds together and published our first book as an association. We are always indebted to the local companies and individuals that chipped in with some money too because they could see how innovative, passionate, desperate and focused we were about our collective book project. The book launch was well-attended. It has been a process. It is a learning curve and a journey driven by passion, perseverance and vision.

When Wealth Dissipated Like The Morning Dew

As I write this little piece today, albeit on a different stage, at a different time and at a different level of my literary career, I am energised and challenged by past experiences, insights and lessons.  I am reminded of the spirit of resilience, love and humanity that one can tap into in a bid to make a positive difference. I see an unfolding story of people, special memories and precious moments, of hopes ,  horizons and triumphs too.   All these features and issues embody the themes and ethos of my upcoming book, When Wealth Dissipated Like The Morning Dew. It is my humble dream. Hence, I humbly invite you to contribute to its incubation, realisation, flight and delight here:      https://crowdbound.org/product/when-wealth-dissipated-like-the-morning-dew-poetry-book/







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