What has become of my generation?

Should we wait until all our sisters are used for money rituals?
Stanley Ugagbe

Sometimes I just sit and ruminate in outright bewilderment how some of the parents we have around today are contributing and masterminding the growing wokeness among young people. Often than not, I ask myself rhetorically if it’s really poverty or what exactly can make a father/mother turn a blind eye to their child’s conspicuous misdemeanors.

Your son does not have a job or anything doing yet he comes home with so much money every now and then. Yet, you cannot ask the source of the funds, rather, you’re concerned about spending and like Oliver Twist, looking forward to more.

Your daughter is jobless and has no business yet she goes out and come home with so much money every now and then. Yet, you don’t care about the source of the money.

Some that even have a job/business are visibly spending far above their income, yet you don’t care! You just want to eat money!

Reality is that unskilled hands and unlearned heads with nothing doing are feeding many homes today and the parents don’t care about their source of money. Whether they rob, kidnap or do internet fraud, the parents don’t care.

Unmarried “T0t0” is actually feeding many homes and the parents no send!

A generation where a young lady will have a retinue of men (both married and single) on her radar, knacking them back-to-back and they are pumping so much money into her account!

Oh! It has even degenerated to a point where men have also joined the booming business of knackademus.

If you look around, T0T0 industry and Kidnapping industry are actually booming!

These are the same people who would go to Church to raise Holy hands and go to Mosque to lower Holy heads.

A people who no longer believe in hard work. A people who no longer believe in due diligence. A people who no longer have any regard for their bodies. A people who have thrown morals to the dust. A people who no longer have any atom of reverence for God.

Stanley Ugagbe is just wondering what has become of his generation.

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