Use of Sniper® for Food Preservation can Cause Cancer, Death -NAFDAC Warns

Prof. Mojisola Adeyeye, Director-General of NAFDAC
Nigerians have been warned against the hazardous practice of using dangerous chemicals to preserve food items.
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), which gave the warning, has also emphasized the dangers associated with dichlorvos, a chemical commonly utilized by traders to safeguard food from spoilage.

NAFDAC emphasized the sale of small volume dichlorvos (100 ml or less), sold as Sniper® has been banned since 2019, while the sale of large volume (one liter) is limited to certified agrochemicals outlets.

The agency in a statement NAFDAC on Sunday, signed by the Resident Media Consultant, Sayo Akintola warned of the toxicity of dichlorvos to human health, cautioning that its use can have fatal consequences.

The recent warning came in response to a viral video showing individuals using dangerous chemicals to preserve food items like beans, stockfish, and crayfish.

The statement quotes the Director General, Prof. Mojisola Adeyeye, as urging traders and merchants to desist from using unauthorized chemicals on food meant for human consumption.

“The misuse of dichlorvos poses significant risks to human health, manifesting in both short-term and long-term consequences.”

she said.

“The Long-term exposure,” Adeyeye said, “can result in severe health implications, including developmental abnormalities in offspring, memory loss, reduced fertility, and potential carcinogenic effects.

“These adverse effects highlight the importance of adhering to safety guidelines to mitigate the risks associated with dichlorvos exposure.”

On her part, the Director of Veterinary Medicine and Applied Products (VMAP), Dr. Rametu Momodu, reiterated that using certain chemicals, especially pesticides, to protect grains and prevent beans from having weevils is not an approved practice.

She explained that there are approved pesticides for use as fumigants, which should be used according to the manufacturer’s specifications on the product label.

Dr Momodu stressed that these products should not be applied directly to food due to their inherent dangers to human health.

She further elaborated that consuming food contaminated with dichlorvos can cause dizziness, vomiting, difficulty breathing, tremors, and convulsions, and in some cases, can lead to coma and death.

Momodu said; “Once used, pesticide residues remain on or in the food, posing significant health risks.

“Washing the food does not mitigate the risk, as the harmful substance would have already soaked into it.”

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