Troops Turn Down 2 Million Naira Bribe, Nab 6 Kidnappers in Taraba

Troops in Taraba Turn Down 2 Million Naira Bribe, Nab 6 Kidnappers
Troops during operation
The Nigerian Army from the 6 Brigade, operating under Sub Sector 3 of OPERATION WHIRL STROKE (OPWS), have captured six suspected kidnappers in separate operations conducted in Taraba State , on Sunday May 19, 2024.
Acting on a tip-off, soldiers from the 93 Battalion Sub-Sector 3B OPWS, stationed at Forward Operating Base Wukari, conducted a well-planned raid in Chinkai Village of Wukari Local Government Area.
This raid resulted in the arrest of two individuals identified as Usman Gide Ali, 25, and Abdulrahaman Amadu, 28.
These suspects were wanted by security agencies for their involvement in multiple kidnappings in Wukari and its vicinity.
Upon their arrest, the suspects tried to bribe the troops with 2 million Naira for their release.
However, the soldiers firmly rejected the bribe, showing their commitment to justice and integrity.
The suspects also mentioned that if money didn’t secure their release, their associates would use armed means to free them.
In a separate operation in Ibi Local Government Area, troops stationed at Sarikin Kudu, acting on credible intelligence, apprehended four more suspected kidnappers, Jafaru Banyi, 28, Mohammad Ardo, 25, Amadu Lawal Shatta, 20, and Biyu Ardu, 25.
These captured suspects have been linked to numerous high-profile abductions in the region, targeting both locals and foreigners for ransom, and have been under surveillance by security agencies for some time.
Brigadier General Kingsley Chidebere Uwa, the Commander of 6 Brigade/Sector 3 OPWS, has praised the troops for their bravery and unwavering commitment to ethical standards.
He emphasized that the successful apprehension of these suspects showcases the soldiers’ diligent efforts and dedication.
 He also highlighted the troops’ refusal to accept bribes as a clear demonstration of their professionalism and integrity.
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