Tracy Solomon – A Queen Taking The Lead

A queen is not just defined by beauty and poise, character and personality and purpose places a big role in defining who a queen is and Tracy embodies these features well. Tracy Solomon, the newly crowned 2023/24 Miss Heritage International pageant winner, is poised to launch her project on the empowerment of women, children, and the vulnerable throughout Africa and beyond.

Tracy Solomon has targeted Nigeria in West Africa, Burundi in East Africa, as well as places of interest in Asia and Europe for her project-intervention programs.

The beauty queen, who is from Benue state, ended Nigeria’s 22-year hiatus from the international competition. She won the Miss Heritage International pageant 2023, which was fiercely contested by beauty queens from all over the world.

She was the only contender from West Africa in the Miss Heritage International pageant 2023, which had contestants from over 70 nations, and she defied the odds to win the sixth edition of the event, which was held last weekend in Bangkok, Thailand.

Solomon, the Chief Executive of the Queen Tracy International Heritage Foundation, revealed earlier this week in a statement that a NEEDS-assessment research was being conducted to determine the merits and challenges of the vulnerable.

She stated that her reign will prioritize the promotion of child education in Nigeria and will implement thoughtful policies that will improve the living conditions of women and the most vulnerable in Nigeria. That is what queens are made for and Nigerians are rooting for her.

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