To Make Likes Private

Photo credit: Marshable

 , formerly Twitter, is set to introduce a major update aimed at enhancing user privacy. 

Starting this week, likes on the platform will be made private by default, fundamentally changing how users interact with content.
Under the new system, users will still be able to see the posts they have liked, but these likes will not be visible to others.
Like counts and other engagement metrics for a user’s own posts will continue to appear under their notifications.
However, users will no longer be able to see who has liked someone else’s post. Despite this, post authors will retain the ability to see who has liked their content.
The rollout of private likes begins today, and it aims to provide users with more control over their interactions on the platform.
Elon Musk commented on the update, saying, “It’s important to allow people to like posts without getting attacked for doing so!”
This change is expected to allow users to engage more freely with content without concern for external judgment, fostering a more positive and private user experience on .
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