Tinubu, We Hail Thee

President Tinubu and Nigeria’s Rising Global Profile
President Bola Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu’s first-year anniversary gift to Nigerians was so unexpected, to say the least. Amidst the economic turmoil, I was so eager to hear his plans to steer the country towards economic stability. However, my excitement was short-lived. I was jolted by news headlines that announced the signing of a bill to return the old national anthem into law.

What started as a joke turned out to be a serious business. Our dear President and representatives prioritised a change of national anthem in the midst of pressing economic woes! The news struck a jarring chord with me. I was not thrilled. The reason? The timing of this move reeks of misplaced priorities.

Nigerians are grappling with a harsh reality: rising inflation, a high cost of living, and anxieties about their daily well-being. These are the issues demanding immediate attention, not tinkering with a song! I read Law Mefor’s commentary entitled “National Anthem Change: Rat Chase in House on Fire” wherein he likened Tinubu’s presidency to the man who goes about chasing rats while his house is on fire. I couldn’t agree more.

The decision to bring back the old national anthem rings hollow when contrasted with the stark realities of poverty, inflation, and widespread discontent exacerbated by Tinubu’s administration.  The new anthem, “Nigeria, We Hail Thee”, may evoke a sense of national pride and unity reminiscent of Nigeria’s early years of independence, but it fails to resonate with a population struggling to make ends meet. The lyrics speak of a united nation, but the truth is that Nigerians are united only in their suffering.

The economic crisis is biting hard, with soaring prices, rampant insecurity, and a dwindling naira, demanding urgent attention. Instead, Tinubu’s government opts for a cosmetic change, hoping to distract Nigerians from their inability to address the real issues. This anthem change is a cruel joke, a slap in the face to Nigerians who face the harsh realities of poverty daily.

Perhaps, Tinubu and his cronies really believe that changing the national anthem is the right way to get to the root cause of the prevailing economic storm and is one of the critical decisions to better the lives of citizens. But I wonder how a new anthem would put food on the table of Nigerians who are battling with skyrocketing prices of essential commodities or address the root causes of the economic hardship. This government is just fiddling while Rome burns!

Nigerians need action, not a change of anthem. We need policies that stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and alleviate suffering. We need a government that acknowledges our struggles and works tirelessly to address the issues that truly matter to the people. Not one that resorts to empty gestures, hoping to appease the masses with a nostalgic tune.

Alas! We’ve got the latter. The result of the collective decision we made on 25 February 2023 is a leadership that seems disconnected from the mounting needs of the people. As Nigeria’s economy teeters on the brink of collapse, with inflation soaring and hardship biting, our government has chosen to prioritise a change of national anthem over addressing the economic crisis.

The irony is stark, as our leaders would rather that we sing a new anthem while the nation’s economy lies in tatters. The disconnect between their actions and the people’s reality is staggering. The government’s priorities are a far cry from the hopes and aspirations of a nation yearning for true transformation and economic liberation.

In response, I pen this poem to express the sentiments of a nation in distress, yearning for relief from the economic strife that threatens to consume us all.


Tinubu, we hail thee

Our economy in shamble lies,

Amidst soaring prices, hardship bites,

We suffer, and our hopes fade,

Nigerians all, in hardship sway,

And weary to endure the economic fray.


Our naira has become a symbol

Of inflation’s relentless might,

In poverty or hardship honour’d,

And this we count as endless plight,

To hand on to our children

A legacy of financial burden.


O God of all creation,

Grant us relief from this economic strife,

Help us to lift our nation

From this harsh poverty

And so with peace and plenty

Nigeria may be blessed and our hopes renewed.


Ezinwanne Onwuka,


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