The Cycle of Souls

In timeless currents of life’s vast stream,

A cycle of souls, like a haunting dream,

We dance through ages, intertwined,

Recycling sins of humankind.


Blaming life for wounds we bear,

Oligarchy’s rule, unjust and unfair,

They milk the masses, their greed prevails,

Passing oppression through ancestral trails.


Generations come, a chance to break free,

From the chains of a scripted destiny,

Yet echoes of power, like whispers in air,

Persistently bind us, a burden we share.


Each era’s birth, a hope reborn,

Yet struggles persist, hope’s seeds torn,

But listen closely, let truth unfurl,

For change resides in each soul’s pearl.


This life, a recycling of tears and plight,

But in our hearts, a spark to ignite,

A revolution of love, compassion, and care,

Breaking the cycle, a world we repair.


Let’s cast away blame and transcend the mold,

As the cycle of souls forever unfolds,

Awaken to unity, let divisions cease,

And create a world where love finds its peace.


Instagram: adesida_adetiloye

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