The Bastardization of Our Culture and Values Through Westernization

The Bastardization of Our Culture and Values Through Westernization

Westernization has truly bastardized our culture and values. There was a time when our culture flourished in its authenticity and dignity, far from the reach of foreign influences. Women were revered for their grace and modesty, embodying values that were both beautiful and dignified. They were fit and elegant, not influenced by the quick fixes of modern fast food and convenience. Shawarma and noodles were nonexistent, and young girls carried themselves with decorum, free from the pervasive influence of today’s distorted standards.

In those days, decency was paramount. Young girls dressed appropriately, embodying the values instilled in them by their parents and society. They did not feel the need to flaunt their femininity provocatively as many do today. The moral compass of society was intact, and fashion served to complement our values rather than undermine them. Today, we see a stark contrast where moral degradation is often celebrated under the guise of freedom and self-expression.

Nigeria, once a beacon of civilization and cultural richness, now grapples with the adverse effects of adopting foreign cultures indiscriminately. Borrowed culture has eroded the respect and dignity that once characterized our women. Ladies were once held in high regard, their dignity conspicuous in their demeanor and attire. This respect was a cornerstone of our society, a visible testament to our collective values.

The influence of the West has been likened to the devil becoming a skincare formulator and makeup artist, corrupting the essence of our cultural identity. Our respect for traditional values has been overshadowed by the superficial allure of modernity. Today’s so-called “big girls” often equate nakedness and immorality with empowerment, a stark departure from the modesty and decency that once defined them. Parents once provided for their children, instilling values and principles; now, roles have reversed, with children often shouldering the burdens of their parents.

Life was simpler and more fulfilling before the onslaught of social media and the pressures of modern life. In the past, being a teenager meant looking up to well-dressed, respectful role models. Today, the term “big girl” often connotes a lack of manners and a disconnection from our cultural roots.

The pervasive influence of Westernization has turned our values upside down. Morality and decency, once the order of the day, have been supplanted by a misguided sense of socialization. Simple attire and respect were hallmarks of our society, symbols of a time when we lived in harmony with our cultural heritage.

We must reflect on this transformation and seek a return to our roots. The simplicity and dignity of our past were not signs of backwardness but of a profound respect for human values and cultural identity. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is crucial to hold on to these values, ensuring that our cultural heritage is not lost in the tide of Westernization.

Let’s go back to the old life, where simplicity, dignity, and respect for our culture were paramount. It is time to reclaim our identity and resist the forces that seek to undermine it.

Abu can be reached via or+2348062380296

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