TCN Completes Electricity Repairs in Borno and Yobe

TCN Completes Electricity Repairs in Borno and Yobe
The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has announced the completion of the reconstruction and re-stringing of four towers on the Jos-Gombe 330kV transmission line.
This development was disclosed by Ndidi Mbah, the General Manager of Public Affairs at TCN.
The towers, which are crucial for supplying power to substations in the Northeast region, were vandalized in April 2024.
Following this incident, TCN promptly mobilized contractors and engineers to begin the repair work. Initially, the repairs were expected to be completed by May 27, 2024.
During the re-stringing process, the fourth tower collapsed, causing a delay in the completion of the project.
Despite this setback, TCN has now confirmed that all four towers have been successfully reconstructed and the transmission line is ready for power transmission.
In a statement, TCN expressed gratitude for the support received from the governors and the people in the region throughout the reconstruction period.
“The completion of this project demonstrates TCN’s commitment to ensuring a reliable power supply to all regions of Nigeria,” said Ndidi Mbah.
This successful reconstruction effort underscores TCN’s dedication to maintaining and improving Nigeria’s power infrastructure, ensuring that even regions affected by vandalism can have their power supply restored promptly.
The company remains committed to addressing challenges and ensuring that power transmission across Nigeria is reliable and efficient.
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