Systematic Dialogue and Local Enlightenment Crucial for Plateau Peace -GOC 3 Division

Systematic dialogue and local enlightenment crucial for plateau peace - GOC 3 Division
Major General AE Abubakar, General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division Nigerian Army and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN and Dr. Julie Sanda, the Director General of Plateau State Peace Building Agency
Major General AE Abubakar, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division Nigerian Army and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH), stressed the importance of dialogue and education for locals to achieve lasting peace in Plateau State. 
Systematic dialogue and local enlightenment crucial for plateau peace - GOC 3 Division
He mentioned engaging stakeholders, holding town hall meetings, organizing dialogues, sporting events, and educating people in troubled areas as effective methods to bring communities together for peaceful coexistence.
He welcomed Plateau State Peace Building Agency’s initiative to establish peace desks in troubled areas, which would improve information flow and enhance military operations, on Friday.
He also highlighted the Nigerian Army’s non-violent efforts like rebuilding schools and medical centers, providing medical equipment, and installing solar-powered boreholes as part of civil-military cooperation to promote peace.
Dr. Julie Sanda, the Director General of Plateau State Peace Building Agency, commended Major General Abubakar for his efforts in maintaining security.
Systematic dialogue and local enlightenment crucial for plateau peace - GOC 3 Division
Dr. Julie Sanda, the Director General of Plateau State Peace Building Agency
She emphasized the need for collaboration in areas such as peace education, gender equality, dialogue, and conflict resolution.
She mentioned the agency’s plan to establish peace desks in all local government areas to facilitate grassroots representation and contacts. Dr. Sanda also called for better community-security relations and appreciated OPSH’s efforts in implementing peace agreements.
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