Sultan of Sokoto Urges Nigerian Army to Avoid Tribalism

Sultan of Sokoto Urges Nigerian Army to Avoid Tribalism
Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, Bauchi State Deputy Governor, Auwal Mohammed Jatau, Chief of Army staff, Lieutenant General TA Lagbaja, among others

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, urged the Nigerian Army to remain unified and avoid the influence of tribalism during the commissioning of the new Nigerian Army Armoured Corps Headquarters in Bauchi, on Wednesday.

He emphasized the danger of allowing tribal divisions to enter the military ranks, warning that such divisions could not only weaken the army but also divide the nation itself.

Speaking at the event, the Sultan remarked on the unfortunate trend of categorizing individuals based on religion and ethnicity, which he noted was not prevalent in the past.

“You are in the military now and so many things have been geared towards where you come from, who is a Muslim? Who is a Christian? Who is Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba in the country? We never knew these things so many years ago. Please, don’t allow this thing to creep into the army for that would be one thing that would divide the army and even the country.”

He urged the army personnel to maintain their focus on national unity and professionalism, stressing the importance of a cohesive military in safeguarding the country’s stability.

Additionally, the Sultan called for public support and prayers for the military, recognizing their crucial role in maintaining security across Nigeria.

He urged citizens to refrain from disparaging military personnel engaged in various operations aimed at restoring peace and security.

In response, Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, represented by Deputy Governor Auwal Mohammed Jatau, affirmed the state’s commitment to supporting the Nigerian Army and other security agencies.

He assured that Bauchi State would collaborate closely to ensure peace and protect the lives and properties of its citizens.

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