Slash Federal Lawmakers Jumbo Allowances and Pay Minimum Wage, Prelate Tells Tinubu

Most Reverend Paulinus Ezeokafor

The Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese, Most Reverend Paulinus Ezeokafor, has expressed displeasure over the N62,000  Minimum Wage offer by the Federal Government of Nigeria, stating that even N100,000 is not even enough to meet the basic needs of Nigerian workers.

Ezeokafor who stated this in an interview noted that he was not happy with what he described as the back-and-forth debate between the FG and the organized labour, saying the debate had started looking like something that could never be resolved.

“If you look deeply you begin to ask if those handling it are sincere. If things are handled better, we will be able to meet the demands of the workers. I am so much worried about the happenings.

‘It is unfortunate to hear about the debates. They go through stages. They met and proposed N30, 000; then N48, 000 and from there to N62, 000. To me, N100,000 is even not enough, looking at how some persons siphon monies meant for every Nigerian. Watching how the national cake is being shared by these people, you’ll shudder. 

“It is a question of living in a very big blessed country and at the same time, the workers and masses are suffering because some individuals are taking home what belongs to society, leaving the workers and the general public to be gnashing their teeth.

“Let us look at the N62,000 proposal. From it, someone will take care of his health, transportation, accommodation, feeding and everything about life per month and one month is 30 days on average. It means N1,000 per day and you go to the market, you will see how it is going and you go to buy drugs, the same thing, and if somebody is earning this type of money, that is the N62,000 I’m not talking about the N30, 000  that is in vogue.

“Will that person ever be able to have a roof over his head? Building a simple house, maybe two-bedroom bungalow, is not possible. And yet they see it as too much to be paid to the people. I do not believe that we are telling ourselves the truth. 

“Let us be honest, especially those in government, because if we do not take our time if we do not care if we do not do what we are supposed to do, we may end up putting this country into serious chaos.

“There is a saying that a hungry man is an angry man. People are hungry and lack basic things.

“Nigeria is so blessed with natural resources. Take for example petroleum alone. What comes out from it will serve Nigeria but, unfortunately, some people are putting things into their pockets alone and they consider it as their birthright at the expense of the members of Nigeria Society.

“When I hear people say that if the government starts paying N62, 000 it cannot sustain it, I think such people may be selfish.

“If they are looking for where to source the money from, they should slash the National Assembly Members’ Jumbo Salaries, the Governors’ and the Federal Government’s salaries and emoluments itself. Cut down the cost of governance. Use the money to settle workers and poor Nigerians.

“See how the Burkina Faso President is managing the economy of the country.

“The President of Uruguay, see how he is managing their economy. The lifestyle of the Presidency down to the Governors and lawmakers is the reason we are where we are now.

“What extra job are they doing to warrant such jumbo salaries?  

“Labour should tell them that they can pay the money. Let them cut down the cost of running the government. You see somebody debating paying N62,000 while they are going home with 30 million Naira monthly.

“If the government is sincere they should reduce the money they are sharing to themselves. If not, there could be a revolution,” the Bishop predicted.

He expressed worry about the situation of things and insisted that the cost of governance should be drastically reduced, wondering why Nigerian workers should be the least paid in the world.

“I’m not very around but the world is a global market. I will be very happy to see that the government has cut down the excess of governance,” Bishop Ezeokafor concluded.

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