Six Top Predictions For Fintech In 2024

CEO of deVere Group, Nigel Green has unveiled six predictions that is likely to shape the Fintech world in the coming year, 2024. deVere Group is one of the world’s major independent financial advisory and asset management firms.

It is no longer news that Fintech is already experiencing swift and transformative advancements.

Below are the predictions:

– Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin will keep getting popular. Big investors are getting interested, and traditional banks are starting to accept them. This could change how people invest money and make international payments.

– Digital currencies made by central banks (CBDCs) will also become a big deal. Many countries are looking into making their own digital money. These could make payments faster and help control the economy better.

– Companies in fintech will use more artificial intelligence (AI). They’ll use AI to make things like online banking smarter and to stop fraud better.

– People will use mobile payments even more. It’s easy and convenient, so more people will start using their phones to pay for things.

– Security will be a big focus. Companies will work hard to protect your money and data. They might use things like fingerprints or facial recognition to keep things safe.

– More efforts will be made to include everyone in finance. Fintech wants to help people who don’t have access to banking services. They might use things like mobile banking or new technologies to help more people manage their money.

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