Senator Albert petitions Appeal Court President, requests relocation of election tribunal

relocation of election tribunal
 The Young Progressives Party, YPP, governorship candidate in Akwa Ibom State, Senator Bassey Albert has petitioned the President of Court over his safety and that of witnesses at the state election petition tribunal and requested an immediate relocation of the tribunal.
In a petition dated June 21, 2023 and signed by his lawyer, Mr. Ahmed Raji, SAN, Senator Albert claimed that the tribunal venue was no longer safe for him and some witnesses following threats to their lives by suspected armed personnel.
 The petition as released in Vanguard read: “I write to report an unusual and life-threatening spate of events, in the Governorship Election Tribunal, sitting in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.
“My representation is for the Petitioners in EPT/AKW/GOV/01/2023, BETWEEN AKPAN ALBERT BASSEY & ANOR. V. INEC & 2 ORS., and 4” Respondent, in Mr. Akanimo A. Udofia & Anor. v.INEC & 4 Ors. Specifically, I am the lead Counsel representing a twoterm lawmaker: Senator Akpan Albert Bassey and the Young Progressives Party (YPP).
 ‘During the proceeding of June 20, 2023, the said witness — Daniel Akpan, was still resisted from testifying, by unknown men and supporters of Eno Umo Bassey. As a proactive measure, the Petitioners had to apply for additional reinforcement and security personnel, to secure the perimeters, both for the witness, himself and his team of lawyers.
“While the said witness was in the witness Box, he complained to the Honourable Tribunal, that he had been receiving several calls by unknown persons, warning him not to give evidence at the Tribunal. He equally complained to the Honourable Tribunal that these persons threatened to kill him; and for this, he solicited protection from the Court. Unfortunately, the Tribunal rebuffed this complaint, perhaps because he was perceived to be a helpless common man.”
 He also provided other details as to the commotion that ensued during a court session. “The whole environment was engulfed in commotion, with our team of lawyers escaping on foot, and hiding in bushes, scampering from safety. But for the armoured car which convened me, and the intervention of the Senate President and Inspector General of Police, these men who were carrying out the instructions of the Akwa Ibom State Governor, would  [harmed] us; after holding us hostage for more than two hours.”
 “The primary complaint of my client in the Petition, is that he ought to have been returned winner of the March 18, 2023, Gubernatorial Election, in Uyo, Akwa lbom State.
 “To this end, | hereby apply with humility, on behalf of myself, my team of lawyers and the good people of Akwa Ibom State, that the Governorship Election Tribunal, sitting in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, be relocated to Abuja — FCT”. The petition provided.
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